Tuesday, April 30, 2024

REVERB- STRYMON Big Sky MX____NEW____ the paint is still wet!!!!

strymon BigSky  MX 
$680.00 USD __ouch!
Yes a new Big Sky. It came out an hour ago
It kept all the old favorites but the new things are IR's so you get dead accurate real rooms and spaces. Not their old school digitally modeled room. It has 12 sounds or is that family of sounds as it has 22 IR's 
Is it great??? I expect so. Fortunately their old tech sounds more than adequate and the specs and chips are about 3 generations old. There are dozens of good choices and more every day as some else's latest killer sounding 
unit was your dad's top of the line.


OD/FUZZ- BIONIQUE Desmodus ... a bit of Rat a bit of this & a bit of that, for fat fat tone

$130.00 USD
From Quebec Canada comes Dan Poirier with a creative flair for taking 
the classics like a Rat and other hardclippers and classic Fuzz pedals and morphing them into something new. The results are pedals with a modern sensibility and features but never infringing on the organic qualities that gave those old tones such an earthy feel and tone.
The layout is Volume, Gain, Treble, Mids & Bass with a toggle to choose from 3 voicings.
Hardly surprising that the pedal is favorite for many Metal genres. The pedal is very fat in any setting and has good 
detail in harmonics and overtones. You can easily get a wall 
of sound thing even at lower gain levels. The EQ is very effective. I liked the scoop sound this pedal can give you. 
The highs have bite and are well defined and the lows 
are not muddy and have some growl.  
It is a very good price for a handmade pedal. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

OVERDRIVE- DANELECTRO D1 FAB Distortion... after 19 years, still made & not a Clone?

FAB Distortion
$30.00 USD ?
Do to a lot of brilliant hindsight we all found many cheap Dano's when we used are ears instead of our eyes sound great. They were from the get go clones that were meant to be clones. Ideally not one bit worse or indeed better. The philosophy was it is not broke so don't fix it. This has proved to be both true on some pedals but to the point of a lawsuit on another.
A total cloning is not possible in this case, it is rumoured to start as a Maxon DS-830 Distortion Master but the treble and bass became a simple Tone control. According to Josh Scott it matches nothing. Is it an original? Is nothing sacred anymore?
The layout is Volume, Tone and Gain.
The price even new can be as cheap as $25 or $30 or can be heading towards $60. I expect since Dano does not have them on their site they offer a license agreement to a distributor. Availability is inconsistent so it is probable that the licence keeps changing hands. The pedal has been around since 
2005 and just won't go away,😠...LOL.   
Well the good news is it has a lot of character. It is more of 
a medium gain OD but with a raw sound. It has a nice tight 
aggressive sound great for rhythm playing. I expect it could 
be used stacked to add bite to another OD. A Fuzz stacked 
on it could be tightened up and have some bite added. 

The owner of Danelectro is Steve Ridinger. He invented the Foxx Fuzz pedal. However he could not get his pedal company to fly he only could get small orders. He decided if he could buy the rights to a famous defunct gear company that he could sell enough to make a living. Danelectro was defunct and the company was non existent and so he bought the name cheap. He was right. His pedals sold out to stores in the hundreds. Big but, those same stores wanted the guitars. He new nothing about guitar building, lol. Yes as we all know he got that to fly. He recently designed the latest Dano pedal himself. 
The Nicholas 1966 Fuzz. 
Soooo did he design the D1 himself in 2015???? 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

WTF is a Decibel ???

dB for for Dummies 

Summary? Over simplified for the real world? Every 6dB going up 
or turned down is a reasonably perceived noticeable loudness. 95dB is nice level per instrument to make out a band with Drums, Bass and a Guitar. Nobody drowns out the other player. The drummer does not have to pull back a normal wack on his drum. A guitarist gets enough level for a bit of acoustic feedback from his speaker to get some sustain on a note. Only the singer needs a mic. 
A drummer can still lift his cab without a helper.  
120dB? One dB more and everyone ends up with their ears ringing. 
95dB is a low tech number used in some communities to say just how loud a by-law officer will allow without a public execution  
of the entire band. Others (and I do not make this up) allow 
for the loudness of a vacuum cleaner when heard
outside your door.  
A sound level meter is a must have to win arguments, LOL. 
Most of all to buy amps. If the amp puts out 95 dB with it set how you like the tone then your drummer will not wipe you out. He is the guy with the broken volume knob attached to his arms. Keep in mind you can turn down a bit and it can be OK but if you are drowned out you have an expensive piece of junk. If however it is too loud when it hits is sweet spot everyone will make your life hell. 
If you drown out the rhythm section your audience will perceive the music as having no balz.  
Wattage on an amps specs means F. all. If has to say it is in RMS wattage to be in the ballpark. 30 watts gets you by most times. More than 50 watts can be too loud. 
The good news is a half decent meter does not need to be more than $20.00 USD. The one on the page is made by UNI-T a middle of the road brand name. I got mine on AliExpress for $15. Well made enough to kiss the floor on occasion and easy to use.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

DAVE GILMOUR ____ NEW____ album ....The Pipers Call

As one of the few of the great guitarists of the past it is always fascinating to hear something new.
This is certainly stylistically in keeping with Dave's love of a bit of the theatrical. Surprisingly it is a good solid tune not some cobbled together bits and pieces passed off as a song that is not even a shadow of their former work. In short not a pathetic last gasp from someone passed his best before date.

Friday, April 26, 2024

ROBBEN FORD ____ Pedals? Amps? Guitars? ____Today


 That Pedal Show-Toda
Robben Ford showed up on the show today and talked gear.
I figured many of you guys would love to hear from him 
first hand. He has all but retired his Dumble in favor of 
the Little Walter amps.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

COMPRESSOR- ORIGIN EFFECTS Cali76___NEW___ replacement for the compact

FET Compressor 
$370.00 USD
Has the best got better??? Just released. Except for the LED 
lights the only giveaway is the f.ing price!!! 😕 lol.
The layout is Dry, for your wet/dry mix, Out, a level, Ratio, 
amount of compression Attack, to delay the comp effect 
kicking in and Release, how long before the comp fades out. 
Actually this is a re-birth of the 10 year old giant size Cali 76 TX-L. They sell used for $1300 +. It was a dead serious studio comp. 
It is know re-designed to fit a small enclosure and kill off their Compact.
They needed to do something, because there 
are now choices from Wampler, UA, and know 
J. Rockett offering all the the different studio 
classics so we have choice. 
I confess I do 100% love this new/old Cali but
the new J.Rockett Airchild Sixty Six is equally 
good and $230.00 USD.

$230.00 USD

OD/PreAmp- FRIEDMAN IR-D PreAmp___NEW___ 2 channel Marshall Plexi plus

A real tube pre that can be used in the same ways one would use a modeler. 
You get two channels and a boost. The voicing is that of a hot rodded classic 
Marshall Super Lead Plexi PreAmp. The features are endless and and the layout 
needs explaining. If I write it out you will get lost. So I will let 
the videos do the talking.
It sounds as it should like a real tube amp because it indeed 
uses tubes. Yes not a model but the real thing. 
What's not to love!!!
$500.00 USD
 Henning Pauly shootout video with pedal vs. Marshall
...go to 30:00
I am 77 and taking my Plexi to a gig is getting a bit much. I have been 
wrestling about getting a modeler? First I only need one killer amp not 
dozens. I hate giving up tubes!!! I want the sound, feel and response that 
ONLY tubes can provide. Ideally a Plexi. This pedal has zero competition 
in my mind. I could still use my cab. I would just need a power amp. 
Maybe swap out the speaker  in it for one meant for ir use. 
I will have to give this a serious think.
Celestion F12M-150 Triple Cone __  
designed to be used with a normal guitar  
amp cab but for use with ir speakers. 
At present I have a conventional Celestion Neo 
Creamback guitar speaker in my cab. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

MODELER- AMPLITUDE TONEX ONE___NEW TODAY___ $180.00 pedal ...$2300.00 sound

$180.00 USD

This is a total surprise. Amplitude were a Pro software company before they made any pedals. It is why they have such high quality sounds. 
It has 20 presets of amps, cabs and effects. You can download all that the full size unit has and edit as well and you get free software to do it. Yes and it is capable with an interface to make your own models. In short it does all the 'Must Have' of what the full size model does and with the same quality of sound. Sounds that compare with Neural and Fractal? YES! This is a game changer!!! 
I will update ALL day as new videos and info comes out!!!

I expect this pedal is already sold out and even if you do 
a pre-order it may take months to arrive.