Tuesday, November 21, 2023

OVERDRIVE- SATONE S811 Riffer Distortion ___ NEW ___ Metal distortion ...dead cheap

$26.00 USD
on Amazon
  SATONE S811 
High Gain Distortion
A high gain dirt box from some new maker, or more likely a paint job put on an old Joyo.  You only see this combination of a Hammond type B casing and an LED placed just left of the footswitch on a Joyo???  But all the Joyo pedals in a B box only have 3 knobs. WTF
The layout is Volume, Gain Treble and Bass.

The cosmetics are pedestrian. However the sound has a very passable, Dual/Rec type vibe thing going on. 


  1. Given the sound, the fact that the tone controls are Mids and High, and what you say about being a JOYO; I assume it's a copy of the JOYO High Gain Distortion Pedal but in a small enclosure which itself was a clone of the Truetone Son of Hyde (which was one half of the Jekyll & Hyde) which was a clone of the Marshall Shreadmaster.

  2. Possible but when making cheap pedals a maker usually recycles old product. changing the enclosure usually means having to make a new circuit board to fit easily in the box etc. I would not say it never happens but when it has in the past it does not go in a Hammond B box. The opposite happens it goes from a B box to something very different to try and launch a brand by looking unique to that new brand. In this case we have a Hammond b box with MXR knobs. MXR has always used a Hammond B box with the same knobs. It looks MXR?? hardly something to spark some novelty and get one's attention.

  3. These new "SATONE" pedals are made by CALINE. And they are horrible. Chinese rebranding crap for Amazon.


  4. I can never say never Garry but it is not logical unless they recently bought out some brand that only sells in Asia. Otherwise why build pedals in different casings? They could easily use their own.
    Mooer is still supplying mini pedals for new brands but they still come in a Mooer casing. many of the pedals are not made with the Mooer brand any more but they are made for the new brands.
    When SEARS was still going they sold Kenmore which was Hoover but always the only thing different was color of the plastic and the name. Joyo sell the Nano pedals to everyone and all thy did was sell without the little snap on dust cover. It is a basic industrial procedure to repurpose all you can.
    With power tools some companies change steel gears to nylon on the reprands but even they keep the same casing.

    I recently noticed the Movall brand resurfaced and they always made their own pedals.
    They did have some really old pedals in casings that do look like these. They have everything laid out the same and even the same knobs. But I can not find any of the Moval models that match the same types.
    Another thing all the Satone have the 4 knob thing. The Movall use that layout with one knob replaced with a switch. They also do a 6 knob using the space between the the 4 knobs. Another uses 3 knobs. The box for that looks like the 6 knob spacing but with the holes for knobs 4 and 6 not drilled out. But overall the spacing for everything is right. Where the jacks, LED and footswitch is perfect.
