Friday, July 12, 2019

REVERB- MR. BLACK Mini Reverb ...dead cool and cheap too!!!

$100.00 USD
Mr. Black has been around forever. The company is always
trying new though often outrageous effects! Some are dead cool ...others
miss the target. lol  Still ...the prices are always reasonable and there a lot of good deal sales.

I have MR. Black's JDS 50. I use this OD when I am playing busy chord work where I need a rich but tight sound. A tune that has something like the chord thing at the opening on The Police's Roxanne is good example where this will work ...nothing else does this better. Other pedals that fit the spot are always too metallic or heavy or muddy! Josh Scott (Mr. JHS pedals) knows Jack Deville (Mr. Black) & is a big fan. In short Mr. Black pedals are well made etc.
It simply gets down to your personal ascetics with their products,

So SUMMER NAMM 2019 starts on the 18th new stuff will be popping up all over. Hence the Mini Reverb.

With it's wet/dry, tone and delay the set up is easy. It is a single algorithm unit but can be manipulated into a lot of sounds with what are simple but excellent quality controls. I especially was impressed with the medium plate type sound of which I think it is based off of. A bullet proof choice for an always on Reverb. Richer then a Spring yet tight and clean. Your guitar can not get buried like a hall or room.

On a live gig you can use one of the larger then life reverb's out there (I have one)
But not for a whole tune having a nice always on is a necessary. Going from a crazy huge reverb to zero reverb on a tune sounds jarringly wrong.

It is December 1 and I came back to do an update conclusion.
I have since discovered the Dead Beat Void Reverb it is the same idea but a large Plate and only $60.00 USD. The sound quality is equal to something from Strymon or Eventide!!!
So where does that leave my Mr.Black. It is in a loop with my wall of sound distortion/Fuzz pedals. The Mr. B. can be cranked but never muddy them. So if crazy dirt sounds are a priority get the the MR.B. but for anything else get the Void!!!

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