Tuesday, July 16, 2019

MODULATION- MAD PROFESSOR Double Moon ...Chorus, Flanger, Tremelo and multiples there of ...killer !

$250.00 USD
Mad Professor has been around forever and every year they bring out new pedals.
None are disappointing but ever two or three years one is a total killer. Well they have done it again.
You get an array of flangers, chorus and tremolo. Others have done like wise recently with very good effects. But the mind blower here is
if it was a pedal with just the flanger on it or if it was a pedal with just the chorus on it would have to be on my short list.
These tones alone rival the very best. They are rich and sumptuous. But hell ...you get them both as well as double chorus and double flangers that are not just as beautiful but are twice as full. You get 11 modes and that gets even bigger with not just the standard controls but what is called the 'control' knob which depending on your choice of sound does things unique to that sound. Yes it can do some crazy Sci Fi stuff ...but it has a sh@t load of sounds can be just clicked on to tunes you already play. If that isn't enough you get a choice of several as good that are different that work on your tune as well.

If all you use are 3 or 4 patches at $250.00 USD
you have a Steal! 
This pedal is a Stomp Box Steal King !!!
King of bargains!!!

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