Wednesday, June 26, 2024

OVERDRIVE- PAST FX Mischief ...a Rat with a hat???

$155.00 USD
Past Fx  
Rats do not wear hats. Not even a baseball cap. I have come to the conclusion that only a ProCo Rat II is a Rat. The topography of a Rat gets you from the input to the output by travelling on a path that is a sidewalk journey from start to finish. Clones never stay on the sidewalk but wonder all over the road. It is simply not the same trip.
The catchall phrase for the overall design used is a 'hardclipper'. 
There are many very good ones. But everyone selling their hardclippers insists on selling them as a Rat. A steel box welded on rear of a Ferrari does not make it a Pickup truck.
The layout is Volume, Gain and a toggle gives you a choice of bass and more bass, lol. Add in some Tone, (a tone control is a filter. Wiring it backwards changes zero. A rotary switch gives you a choice of clipping diodes. The Sizzle buttons add in some bite, basically like a Bright
switch on an amp.  
It sounds killer. It would look 
great on my board beside my Rat.

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