Wednesday, June 5, 2024

OVERDRIVE- NORVANG Altitude ___NEW___ BluesBreaker

$490.00 USD
   N O R V A N G    
A company famous for their overkill high spec. It started off with the 
Blues Breaker topography but added more of anything and everything.
The layout tells the story You get the obvious Gain, Tone and Level. Added is a toggle to add 2 more clipping diodes or to bypass any. Another toggle gives you 3 choices of a push in the Lows, Low Mids or High Mids. The Boost and its Level is a clean boost at the output that kinds your sound but just increases the output.

If I spend near $500 I want something special. This not that. Add to that 
one buys a Blues Breaker for it's simple near transparent low to barely 
some Crunch gain. You can get a very passable BB cheap and ones 
equal or in my opinion better for about half. WTF!!! As just an OD 
it sounds good. I would never guess it was a BB if I wasn't told. 
So as such is it the best semi-transparent pedal out there ??? 

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