Monday, June 17, 2024

BOOST- CARL MARTIN Tone Tweaker ___NEW___ high quality clean boost

||Tone Tweaker 
$160.00 USD
The company has been around forever making high quality handmade product. A few years back they like many companies offered a new line of pedals using modern methods of high end production to maintain our expectations but with a considerable 
drop in price.
The layout is simple with Teble, Mid, Bass and Level. It has an
overall 12dB boost. The mids have an upper mids sweet spot not unlike a Tube Screamer. It is however truly transparent yet with 
a very smooth velvet like warmth.
It is all about getting more when you already 
have enough. In short if you already have a
great sound you can make it a just right,
bigger and better one with this pedal. 

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