Tuesday, June 25, 2024

COMPRESSOR- SHNOBEL TONE Compressor ... understated but impressive!!!!

 Shnobel Tone ||COMPRESSOR
$280.00 USD
This is an original design optical comp. This one got me very interested as my favorite sounding Comp is my Pigtronix Philosophers Tone. All Comps have one or more probs but Optical Comps have a very nice warmth. 
It is very similar to the warmth of a Fuzz that has germanium transistors. 
The layout is Volume, Tone, Blend ...of your clean and compressed signal.
Then ...Compression, it not only adds more comp but if it is pushed it 
will swell the decay just like a loud amp can lift your notes into 
feedback especially if helped if you turn your PU's towards a speaker. 
It blows me away!! A full warm rich sound and getting that swell thing without needing to play loud to get speaker feedback. 
I play a lot of high gain things that NEED gating or the noise floor would be unbearable. The gate can be set to decay and not chop off the notes but the decay really could use this units swelling effect to not die and leave dead air that will create an 
un-needed rest before the next chord is hit.
This Comp is not for everyone ...but I am not everyone.
The first video has the Compressor at the beginning. __A very big BUT! 
At 13:00 in the video you can hear how stacking it on a dirt pedal can swell the note. 

The big Cali and the Compact have been discontinued. 
Both replaced by a new compact version of the big Cali used in this shoot out

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