Tuesday, June 11, 2024

OVERDRIVE- PAST FX Distortiion___NEW____ MXR Distortion II clone

 PastFx  distortiion 
$160.00 USD
The MXR Distortion II was a monster pedal that you plugged into the wall. It was indeed pricey and bulky and in the days of using a battery this all added up to a big failure. Billy Corgan stumbled on one and found its transparency vibe and huge sound was ideal to stack on a Muff and/or a cranked amp. It gave him that massive sound he is famous for. 
The layout is Filter an EQ,  Resonance is a Bass boost, Drive adds more gain, the Symmetrical/Asymmetrical button goes from Tube Screamer to a more 
tube like voice. A second button Q smooths out the the peak in the boost.
It is at its best a as boost pedal on a Fuzz, 
OD or amp with some Crunch. As a boost it just doesn't get better
it not only gives you a massive sound but does that with some rich tone
free of mud or fuzziness

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