Sunday, June 9, 2024

FUZZ- FUZZROCIOUS 4320 Fuzz ....2 in 1 OpAmp funster :-)

$175.00 USD
Virtually a basic Muff like highly sustaining Fuzz with a mid scooped Octave Fuzz. The layout has a Tone and Volume for each voice. 
You get a blend control for the two voices and a blend for cleans. 
You can toggle between  9v or 18v so you can go for more 
headroom or more saturated sustain. A second footswitch 
cuts out the 1st voice.
 Conclusion . .  
Nothing to complain about. It has a huge
wall of sound. The gain is fixed in the sweet
spot so even if it is your first Fuzz you get 
instant killer sound. It checks my box, 
just give me one perfect sound instead 
of an array of second rate sounds. 

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