Saturday, June 8, 2024

FUZZ- MOSRITE Fuzzrite Fuzz___NEW___ NOT A CLONE!!!

 mosrite FUZZrite  
$375.00 USD
The first ever Fuzz you could buy was the Maestro Fuzz Tone. Mosrite made the second. It was am entirely different design. It was 2 Fuzz circuits in one that blended as you adjusted the depth control. 
The design had problems that made it self destruct unless getting it 
just right. It was time of trial and era. In short others were not 
interested in stealing an unreliable design when simply using the 
Fuzz Tone's topography as a starting point. Tone Benders are ALL 
a beefed up Fuzz Tone.
Ed Sanner made the first one in 1965. he did sell a few hundred 
of the 3 very different versions he made. His Fuzzrite company
soon went broke but not before Iron Butterfly put his 
pedal on the historic map.
There are many clones and a version licensed by Catalinbread
that is close. These are a big deal as ol' Ed had enough parts
to make about 40 pedals that are now on offer. I expect they 
were sold out by word of moth mouth before a video came out. 
Well the obvious question you must ask 
yourself is which is the best of the clones??? LOL 
...the $250.00 USD Catalinbread ???

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