Sunday, August 25, 2019

OVERDRIVE- DEAD COOL I-Furgut Deluxe OD. a very promising first try!

$950.00 USD

OOPS! you meant to but you forgot to write and tell me!
So if you have or heard of a pedal you want to see reviewed let me know.

There are a bare MINIMUM of 500 OD's reviewed on
Stomp Box Steals but there is always room for more.
OD's including Low Gain ...Medium Gain ...High Gain
and Metal are all here and from every country on the 
planet. Some that only market locally and their site is not 
in English. OD Posts are 10 times more popular then 
all other pedals.
A lot of guys will be put off by the low impedance
jack and the lack of a switch to turn it on.
But Hell we all buy the wrong pedal sooner or later.
So since you haven't here is your big chance.

OOP! wrong video it is my very first pedal. 
A Gibson Maestro Fuzz-Tone 1962.
Yes the very first ever dirt pedal !!!
Note that there isn't an output jack? 
A cable was hard wired right into the pedal.
As a kid I took it too the local TV repair man
and had a jack put in. I think I had the first modded 
custom gourmet pedal on the planet!!!  :-)
Hey!!! how cool is that! It went well with my blackface 
Fender Super Reverb amp and my Harmony Rocket guitar. 
It even came with Gold Foils.

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