Tuesday, July 18, 2023

OVERDRIVE- MOEN EFFECTS Metal ...since 2005 a Thrash & spin off's go to

$40.00 USD
They have done a version of this pedal since 2005. They had years when they 
disappeared for just a bit and others with reissues and even at times changing to different casings etc. etc. They changed the name twice then back to the original name etc, etc. When Moen came out there were virtually no MIC pedals that got shipped West. They sold only in Asia and they were the MXR of Asia. In short they were a brand name. They were small and when brands like Joyo, Caline, and Mooer popped up they ignored them as junk pedals because Moen made original designs and used quality parts. In the West they were totally under the radar and have stayed there.
So to the point. Their pedals are not clones. Yes all makers borrow basic topography's to make a pedal but only some get a particular pedal from a specific brand flip off the back and copy everything they see part for part. 
The layout is Gain, Treble, Mids and Bass. 
The Moen is a Thrash plus sub genre's of Thrash Metal pedal. A fat heavy sound. It easily competes with very pricey high gain pedals meant to cover the same territory.

 It does a very good Thrash like sound. You can get a good Dual/Rec sound.
or pull it back into more of a JCM 800 thing. Impressive!!!


  1. Let us know if you decide to go MOEN vs the EQAG. EarthQuaker Acapulco Gold has been high on my wishlist for a long time.

  2. Here is a tip. In the Earthquaker video at the beginning the guys hand slowly cranks up the volume. When he gets to 10 o'çlock that is the sound of the pedal. Once past that, especially once he hits 12 o'clock he is overloading the front end of his amp so all that really nasty distortion is NOT coming from the pedal but from his now distorted amp pre. It is total B.S. as the guy listening does not own his amp and secondly a guy wants to know what pedal does at unity gain which is 10 o'clock. Because that sound will show up on anyone's rig.
    The other thing is on the MOEN video the guy never turns up the lows so if you wanted that heavy low thing that the Earthquaker has you could add some lows and get it. So if you take this in mind and listen again to the two pedals you will hear how much closer they really are. Often more knobs do not guarantee a better sound but 5 usually mean you can tweak a sound to fit any rig and only one is really pushing your luck.
    The Moen Dragon Roar I bought in march has turned out to be killer and on an overdemanding I use it on. It seemed just a bit tame on video but the sound was excellent. I get the impression MOEN must test their pedals by using them on some real tunes instead of show off flash things before they spring them on us.
    Anyhow I will wait a day or two to decide. I will give you a heads up right here when I decide.

  3. The graphics of the MOEN looks like the VS Audio Aftermath. Is it similar?

  4. Cool that you remembered that. They are WW1 Mustard gas masks. There were different ones used by different nations.
    A lot of posters were made and posted as reminders and warnings. The posters are all public domain now so anyone can use them for free artwork. I posted a couple for fun in this Post.

  5. WTF ... I ordered the MOEN. I know I will like the pedal. I do not know if it will fill the hole in my sound for certain tunes where I thought the Earthquaker will. I do think it will be close if the MOEN is set up with a bit of scoop. A cut in the mids and about 2 oClock on the bass. The guy in the video has it on 11 oClock on the bass. A good MIAB place but not on a serious Metal thing.
