Saturday, July 22, 2023

COMPRESOR- LYR-ROCK PEDALS Cali76 Stacked ... Origin clone

$100.00 USD
It all started 1970 with the UA  UREI 1176 studio rack mount compressor. Generally regarded as the best on the planted. Used it competes with the original Klon for the stupidest resale price on the planet.
Origin was started by a UA repair guy who thought if he made a pedal then .... he got that right. The top of the line Origin is the Stacked. Back in the 70's stacking 2 was done for extra long sustain.
It was inevitable there would one day be a clone. Perhaps not such an obvious one.
$420.00 USD
Is it pricey? The Origin is $420 so you tell me, lol.
So why you wouldn't get one? Well having had many Comps there are two reasons. Guys are sold on this as it does have a sound. It is just a little sweet. It is overall very transparent even neutral to nearly disappearing. Often such comps are not chosen because other very good ones add punch and even some pleasant extra character to the sound. The worlds biggest seller is the $150 Keeley Compressor+ and it does sound damn good.
Having not had a chance to A/B the origin with the Lry I do not know if like the Origin it gives you more breadth to the sound or in 
guitar-speak it is fatter. Other makes of very transparent Comps I tried 
did the opposite. They made my sound thinner, WTF. On a video I can 
not tell if the Lyr is fat, neutral or will it thin??? It otherwise sounds killer plus!!!


  1. Is the Ly-rock as good as the Origins?

  2. They sound the same but there were a few artifacts I heard on the video which could just be noise from the guys rig. The main thing is the Origin has a lot of breadth. A lot of even good comps will lose some breadth or width to the sound . They all give the sound more density that can pass for fattening but if you really listen when a comp is off you will find more width to an open sound. A high gain OD or really heavy Fuzz naturally compresses so it is on the cleans or low gain a great comp shines. Even a medium gain when use behind a vocal can often use a bit of comp. But I digress. The main thing is whether they captured the breadth thing.

  3. Is the Demon Fx Cali76 the same ?

  4. Both companies are owned by Moogoo who also own Mosky . The Demon FX is a take on the Cali76 Compact Bass. If it was the guitar one it is cheap enough I would have bought one when it came out.
