Sunday, February 19, 2023

DAW USB INTERFACE- FOCUSRITE Scarlett 2i2 V.3 ... 10 out of 10 squeaker :-)

$160.00 USD
Why this one? Are there better? Yes! Is it budget? Yes and No! I would pay more if it could not give me a world class recording.
I researched the USB interface until my head caved in. 
First, features. It has 2 inputs so even if you work alone you can have 
at least one other player join in. Perhaps critical to get guitar and vocals meshing with the right feel. In my case I sing and play so it could make a big difference to make sure it all vibes together. I can always re-do these parts once I have them as a guide. Perhaps more important you need two inputs to record in stereo if and when needed.
So why this one over others. Well all others are more current and boast more features or arguably better tone etc. Big but. The Scarlett is the third revision and ones going back to the first have ended up on countless recordings including many that are offered on iTunes etc.
One guy who replaced his after a few years uses the top end Universal Audio Apollo Twin X model. Yes, UA, the Ferrari of interfaces. He said he can hear an improvement on his recordings when recording but listens to others recordings using this and can not here any improvement over his previous work. In other words the UA wins by only a photo finish. Some guys have moved up to a bigger model Focusrite with more channels with the idea is it is not broken so why fix it. The only difference is the number of inputs available for doing a live band. 
The Focusrite was formed by Rupert Neve in 1985 to make spin offs of modules originally found in famous boards and rack gear. They wisely morphed into digital early in the game. Always forward thinking they pioneered gear for home studios. They are still manufacturing in High Wycombe UK. Oddly enough I lived a half hour away from them in the late 70's :-)
It is much like once when I replaced a Gibson bridge 
on my guitar with an upmarket one and listen to two 
recordings to compare. On my third listen I stopped. 
If it is that hard to detect any then ...WTF!!!
It is a use and forget product. If it was a car it would 
be a Toyota Corolla. Not exciting but you never stop 
& say after a day driving it "I wish...."  
The improved v.3 is better than v.2 and cheaper. 
They have also bought a new line of state 
of the art product and it too is cheaper than it's competition. 
the fine print
If like me and a rookie I recommend the Cakewalk DAW. First is completely FREE. It is set up like the industry standard
Pro Tools and can use it's OMF capability so you can send your
new Star Wars soundtrack straight to Hollywood where they
have for decades used Pro Tools. 😇

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