Wednesday, September 15, 2021

OVERDRIVE- 76OWL Owldrive ... Klon? ...Why?


If you do not know what a Tube Screamer or
a Klon Centaur is you probably are not even
reading this. 
$130.00 USD
In short they both are pedals that are meant to act as a boost with a bit of primarily even order harmonic distortion to give a clean amp just enough distortion to warm up the tone and a nice poke in the mid range to 
cut through the mix of a band. The Tube screamer gives 
you that mid range poke at around 1 k where the Klons are more evenly across all the mids. The charm of the original Klon is it's glassy overtone across those mids. Primarily accomplished by a clean boost mix with the dirt. 
This is the signature of a Klon and most budget Klons all 
but loose it. The '76' is typical of a budget Klon in that it 
too is not overly glassy. it does however give you a very 
big mid boost that really fattens the sound.
It is reasonably robust and well made. It is needlessly big and wastes board space.
Trying to look Klon like by being big does not entice me to want it. Big pedals went out with high button space boots. It is not even in a proper Klon casing just a standard large Hammond box. The price is reasonable but first it is made in China and a smaller box it would be cheaper.
It does have a very big enticing mid honk. From the demos I don't hear a nice edge in the highs so in a band you could get buried or your tone could get very muddy. It could be do to using a Brit like amp for the demos. Thru a Fender like amp which the real Klon was deliberately designed for it might work better.

I ordered a Fuzz IMP TopJack HorseMan. This pedal replaced the medium gain OD part of a Klon circuit with a Fuzz. It is half Klon glassy clean thing added to a Big Muff OpAmp Fuzz. The beauty of it is the Fuzz bit can make it cut. Yes it is a really different thing and arguable meant to fit a different niche. BIG BUT! It is defiantly not just another Klon with F. all new to offer.

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