Saturday, September 14, 2024

PREAMP- BENSON Germanium Preamp ___NEW___ the pixie dust makes the difference

$260.00 USD
Benson makes mostly pricy product that are the darling of the 'Cork Sniffers' and bought primarily by the 'schooled' players who for the most part see themselves like the Symphony orchestra players for hire that can and will play anything with the skill and accuracy of a machine even if void of any soul.  A performing artist ...not the creative artist. In some ways odd as the company has been lead more by art than engineering though they are not just
 the usually DIY that turned their hobby into a business. 
Their first Preamp was a FET model designed to give you a noticeably better clean sound. Many players that play nothing but clean kept it going the last 6 years. The Germanium is all about adding that warm organic magic those transistors add. 
The layout is simple. Treble, Bass, Volume and Gain.
       CONCLUSION ___
In spite of the cliches of warmth and organic you can with some care in the biasing 
of a germanium circuit to give the sound some cutting and biting overtones that 
are very bright but never shrill or abrasive. Think of the best clean sounds Hendrix 
got which he did by backing off his guitar volume but still leaving his germanium 
Fuzz Face pedal on. The difference this pedal does it on command and lets 
you tweak it to perfection.

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