Sunday, June 30, 2024

OVERDRIVE- DOPHIX Lussuria Overdrive ... half full? or half empty?

$270.00 USD
The company has been around since 2015 making handmade pedals. 
They primarily make dirt pedals. Most of their pedals have been unchanged and made for years and this one is not an exception.
This is a low to medium gain OD that these days we would put into the transparent jobbies like a BluesBreaker. The layout is a basic Volume, 
Tone and Gain. 
The pedal has very warm and rich in harmonics. 
A full sound but it can get a bit dark and hazy 
when pushed. I find the pedal almost there, 
if it even just had a bit of bite, but no...  

Saturday, June 29, 2024

DELAY- KEELEY ELECTRONICS Halo Core___NEW___ budget Andy Timmons version

$200.00 USD
Ltd Ed sold out
K E E L E Y || HALO 
A Hallo is basically an Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man made as a stereo version for Andy Timmons. My buddy bought one and only uses 2 sounds both basic. You can cover them nicely by getting the Movall FallingStar a $35.00 USD of the E-H Memory Man. It even has the same knob etc layout. The Movall is the very cheapest and most used Delay on my board,lol.
The layout is Time, Level and Tone. A toggle switches the eighth notes to quarter notes. A good thing as after a few days of making Star Wars sounds you will leave it on quarter notes to use on your tunes ...forever, lol. A second footswitch gives you tap tempo.
It is all marketing gimmickry. I expect we will get the pedal back in a small enclosure in a few months as a standard 
inventory model. Maybe just in mono. 

FUZZ- FOXROX Hot Silicon 2 Fuzz ... the last Brit made Fuzz Face

 Hot Silicon 2 Fuzz 
$220.00 USD
The Fuzz Face was like a car with every year or two a new model would be made. This was not so much about it being better but more do to finding a good supply of cheap transistors to keep the cost down. In fact with this model alone 5 different ones were used. The FF story is long and even confusing. At one time the silicon and last original Brit model was made in both Brit and the U.S. and both were different. When Dunlop bought the rights to the name he started with the U.S. version as it had American fans and so he was not interested in making the Brit version.
Foxrox have been making pedals since 1986 and even offering the silicon 2 and all 5 choices of transistor since 2005. This is their big seller. The old school wedge style enclosure is a winner and so is the price for handmade 
NOS transistors and a killer look. 
the fineprint
The choice for a FF are near infinity, LOL I have 2 I use. The Solidgold FX If 6 was 9, 
the 'cork sniffers' version of what a modern one should be and the new Joyo 
Tiny Huge in your face (pun intended) $40.00 USD version.

FUZZ- SITEK Fuzzie ... Fuzz Face with reins, Woah!!!

SITEK|| Fuzzie 
$175.00 USD
Andy Siteck and his wife Hania are from Gdynia Poland. Both are musicians  
and Hania has a background in graphic art. They live in Gdynia Poland where they founded the company eight years ago.Fuzzie is based from the early Fuzz Face. It uses germanium transistors that uses buffering to keep the tranisters from being negatively affected by any other buffers on your pedal board not least are any Boss pedals or Wah.
The layout is level, Gain and texture which handles variation in you tone and BIAS that lets you control how much grit you wish to add.
All Sitek pedals sell well because they have a rep of restraint. They will take you to the edge of the cliff but they will not jump into it. They have a very controlled voicing. You can dial in a great sound in short order and just play them. The pedal is not shoegaze friendly, lol. This Fuzz is more Gilmour than Hendrix. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

FUZZ- JPRT FXWarlow Alt. Fuzz___NEW___ killer!!!

$138.00 USD
It looks like and is a Muff. The layout of this OpAmp Muff is straightforward with Volume, Gain and a Tone which includes
both classic and Rat filters. This model is a Ltd. Ed. model which has internal control add a clean & a Bass boost. 
This is a full blown over the top Metal Fuzz and a 
damn good one. This Fuzz has a huge powerful 
sound with balz and punch to spare.
The company is in Germany with that cliched 
rep of high quality. In just 3 years they have 
sold 10,000 pedals, WTF!!! Add to that one 
expects prices literally more than twice the 
price of what they want.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

OVERDRIVE- CHELLEE EFFECTS Odie Modified OD ...Tube Screamer that does ...

Odie Modified Overdrive
$180.00 USD
Peter an guitar luthier with his wife Chellee, the Taylor's  started up the company. In 2014 they started their pedal company with like many, many companies with a Tube Screamer. Players playing the local clubs often
with just an amp, guitar and one dirt pedal. They needed a pedal that could nail a great sound that could keep their rig small, board free would be best. The Odie nailed it. It is only now they offer the Modified and it is a different enough pedal that they still offer the old one.
The layout is Gain, Volume and Tone. Voicing gives you 2 more voices 
with a fixed mid or lower mid boost. Texture gives you a choice of clipping diodes. You get symmetrical (Tube Screamer) asymmetrical  more high gain amp like and FET which is as tube as it gets. 
The Tube Screamer has always been like the hammer in your musical toolbox not too exciting, but always does the job as good as the day you bought it. The ts is the original transparent 
Drive. This one solves any of the problems associated 
with the original without a really stupid price. 
Many guys  doing a Blues, Americana or Outlaw
country could go a lifetime never needing more.

FUZZ- VANDERIN Super Ram ...Not a Muff, lol

$150.00 USD
Now on sale$230.00
No? It looks like a Big Muff but it doesn't smell or taste like one, lol.
The layout is Octave, Volume Gate and Tone. 
We appear to have an Octave Fuzz in Muff'S clothing. 
Octave Fuzz is notoriously a noisy thing so they wisely 
put a gate on the pedal. It can also be used for a 
chop off the decay tail thing some Metal genres can 
not live without. It sounds very good and is 
not overpriced. The current sale makes it 
a 'get now' if you want one.  

FUZZ/BOOST- HOLY ISLAND AUDIO Abracadaver ...totally different ??? YES!!!

$130.00 USD
No it is not being made without any knobs that makes this so different. It is that it is uses a transformer to create an octave up effect and then boosts that up to beyond crazy. It is meant as like any boost to be stacked. It could be stacked on an Overdrive or a Fuzz for some serious results.  
Impressive! It could be used in any genre 
of Metal to give the listener a killer surprise 
on a riff or a solo. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

OVERDRIVE- BARBER ELECTRONICS Burn Unit ....27 years and still in demand

$270.00 USD
Dave Barber has been doing Plexi mods for decades from his home on York
Pennsylvania.  He was in it at the beginning. Guys as diverse as Billy Gibbons to Joe Satriani came to him for mods for amps and indeed pedals. He soon simple made a whole new pedal for these guys. Soon word of mouth gave him so many orders that he decided to simply make his own line of pedals.
He has never been interested in going 'full factory'. 
Keeley got on the map with his first Compressor. Few know you could have simply bought the same damn pedal from Dave years before.
🙋When Dave came up with the Burn Unit it was for guys wanting an old Fender Bassman kind of sound. Once he got thru several versions and found a formula that pleased his critics he ended up with what everyone now calls a Dumble-in-a-Box. A Dumble is a hot rodded Bassman. The layout is volume, Tone and Gain. A toggle gives you 3 different mids voicings and second toggle gives you different dynamics so the 'feel' fits your kit and your touch.
Impressive sound. Many pedals are similar but do not have the bite 
or the feel. Unfortunately these days perfect is pricy no what you are attracted too. 
I do like that in the last video with some comparisons that the 
Hermida Audio Zendrive held up well. The Demon FX Z-Drive 
holds up the Zendrive and it is $30.00 USD

$30.00 USD

OVERDRIVE- PAST FX Mischief ...a Rat with a hat???

$155.00 USD
Past Fx  
Rats do not wear hats. Not even a baseball cap. I have come to the conclusion that only a ProCo Rat II is a Rat. The topography of a Rat gets you from the input to the output by travelling on a path that is a sidewalk journey from start to finish. Clones never stay on the sidewalk but wonder all over the road. It is simply not the same trip.
The catchall phrase for the overall design used is a 'hardclipper'. 
There are many very good ones. But everyone selling their hardclippers insists on selling them as a Rat. A steel box welded on rear of a Ferrari does not make it a Pickup truck.
The layout is Volume, Gain and a toggle gives you a choice of bass and more bass, lol. Add in some Tone, (a tone control is a filter. Wiring it backwards changes zero. A rotary switch gives you a choice of clipping diodes. The Sizzle buttons add in some bite, basically like a Bright
switch on an amp.  
It sounds killer. It would look 
great on my board beside my Rat.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

FUZZ- HOLY ISLAND AUDIO Mountain Mover ___NEW___ Muff & other Stuff

$245.00 USD
The pedal according to Holy Island is a Muff and a Ring Modulator. A Muff Fuzz is the basic pillar topography that holds up 99% of all silicon based Fuzz pedals and arguable a few OpAmp wannabes. The layout is Volume, Tone and Gain for the Fuzz and pot to dial in an interesting noise from Ring Modulator and a Volume for that. 
Three toggles give 3 different voces, like a mid scoop or boost, another blend bypassing some of the raw sound from the input pass the tone control. The last adds a bit of near Octave Fuzz like sound. 
All of these tricks have been used in many Fuzz pedals over the decades. They can be effective but it soon can be like having more toppings and syrup than you have ice cream. 
That said using the 'extras' as spice you can dial un a
good standard Muff sound and add a bit of sweet 
and sour to give it a bit of WOW. Too much 
and you have a WTF. Yes that was cruel, 😇  
___ It has the potential to a be total killer pedal.