Saturday, June 29, 2024

FUZZ- FOXROX Hot Silicon 2 Fuzz ... the last Brit made Fuzz Face

 Hot Silicon 2 Fuzz 
$220.00 USD
The Fuzz Face was like a car with every year or two a new model would be made. This was not so much about it being better but more do to finding a good supply of cheap transistors to keep the cost down. In fact with this model alone 5 different ones were used. The FF story is long and even confusing. At one time the silicon and last original Brit model was made in both Brit and the U.S. and both were different. When Dunlop bought the rights to the name he started with the U.S. version as it had American fans and so he was not interested in making the Brit version.
Foxrox have been making pedals since 1986 and even offering the silicon 2 and all 5 choices of transistor since 2005. This is their big seller. The old school wedge style enclosure is a winner and so is the price for handmade 
NOS transistors and a killer look. 
the fineprint
The choice for a FF are near infinity, LOL I have 2 I use. The Solidgold FX If 6 was 9, 
the 'cork sniffers' version of what a modern one should be and the new Joyo 
Tiny Huge in your face (pun intended) $40.00 USD version.


  1. The BC 183 version ?

  2. It could be the BC108 or BC 109 because it was made from cloning from two or 3 half finished units left on a shelf before the Brit shut down and the U.S.made one stood alone.
