Tuesday, March 5, 2024

FUZZ/OD- BIGFOOT ENGINEERING King Fuzz ...10 years old & still loved

king fuzz    
$200.00 USD
Nothing new but it's honest marketing. The King is a Fuzz voiced to give you a 
Brit Stack with a Fuzz cranked into it. There is no info on it but it sounds like an 
old school Distortion using silicon transistors. As a Fuzz it sounds very low gain and 
the gain has a lot of clean boost pushed into it as you crank the knob. It gets high compliments for its dynamics. It has a very big open sound.
The layout is dead simply with Volume and Gain. You can get the same unit 
in either a larger casing or the MINI in a more popular Hammond 'B' box. 
It really does what it sets out to do. You get an old school vibe of the combination of a Tone Bender through a Marshall JTM45. Hard not to love that.


  1. There is a small Moen Metal. Is it as good as the bigger one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC9T582xFv4

  2. There is also a mini Dragon roar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCqMXniRlRg

  3. Would you recommend the Moon Metal mini or Mooer Rage Machine?

  4. Sorry "Moen Metal mini"

  5. The Moen mini pedals use tiny parts to fit the mini box. The Hammond B size enclosures are big enough for even transfer parts from old style big boxes. Both products will sound very similar but usually the B boxes sound fuller. You could argue that the mini should or could sound tighter.
    I have the Moen Metal in the B box. I love it. It has a very cranked MESA Dual/Rec type of sound. The Mooer Rage Machine is really meant for Djent or metal that never stops chugging. You can do that with the Moen but it is aimed at Thrash and related genre that may chug a bit but also hold notes and chords even in the same tune.

  6. I love the mini format but if the big one sounds better, I think will get this one!

  7. Would you say that CKK Destruction Drive is a better choice?

    I'm not shure about the pedal but this is the best sounding pedal demo I've EVER heard. That said, if you want to send me one as a Christmas gift, just feel free. I would love to check the veracity of it, hahahahaha
