Monday, September 12, 2022

OVERDRIVE- MXR Super Badass Dynamic OD___NEW___ best MXR pedal since the 70's!

$130.00 USD
Sept 12, 2022
This popped up out of nowhere. It is not on the Dunlop site. Dunlop have it listed
as a separate post but opening it only gives you a 404 error. The post is 3 hours old. 
I expect this is a leak.

Sept 15, 2022 UPDATE
Well today is release day. We have a healthy amount of videos.
I pulled the first one from the 'leak' day. It makes the pedal sound like junk.
The layout is volume, tone and gain. A switch lets you cut or boost the mids
The pedal is not a 'whatever'-in-a-box. It does however replicate a tube amps preamp including the dynamic range that a real tube pre has so it responds to your touch and playing dynamics.
It can be used as an always on pedal especially if for example you have an old style single channel amp like a Fender Deluxe or Super Reverb and want for example to get the low gain Crunch that you get with these amps dimed without sacrificing having a clean sound or indeed using the pedal to let you turn the amps level down in volume without losing either the sound or the 'feel' of the amp. The idea was to make the pedal as transparent as possible so to the ear everything you hear coming from the amp sounds like the amp is making 'all' the sound and a pedal is not involved.
It is difficult to do this with a pedal poorly let alone really well. I have not heard better. Yes I am aware of the pricey stuff from Cornerstone and Browne among others but those brands just like the King of Tone are using a 1989 Marshall Bluesbreaker schematic and tweaking it. Nice enough sounding pedals but not invisible in you tones pathway from guitar to amp. If you like them better than no problem but do not think you really wanted a transparent OD because they are not transparent. You don't find transparent sounds from designs from 1989 that were trying to make their OD sound like a Marshall JTM 45.
This may well turn out to be a break through pedal with everyone cloning it. I do not say this lightly, though not even the stores actually have any so it is a wait and see. 
Sept. 21, 2022 
Shops do NOT have any inventory. Sweetwater doesn't even have it listed. Prices only a few days ago have been as much as a WTF $200. Some reviews etc. are throwing a $130 price around. MXR usually sells the Badass line at close to $100??? 
Oct 26, 2022 
So 6 are will arrive at my local Bricks & Mortar ...So expect a 'Hands On' update asap


the fine print
This is the kind of pedal MXR made in the 70's that were game changers.
The only thing I can criticize is calling it MXR because these days the 'M' in MXR 
stands for mediocre. Guys buying gourmet pedals this good even if they are $400 
will not get past the MXR name.


  1. Snagged one of these from Guitar Center earlier today - should have it by Thursday.
