Monday, June 13, 2022

OVERDRIVE- HARBY Pedals Centauri ____NEW____ a Klon, that's NOT different.

$170.00 USD
Joe Harby is a Brit who in 2020 went to Idaho and set up shop. He makes a the BMF Russian Muff and a Klon. Yes there are a hundred plus Klons. From $30 to having to mortgage your house to get an original. The very best of them have 'some'! Note I said 'some'. Some of it's famous glassy ethereal chime. The chime is almost like the sound of high end Plate reverb that hangs over the mids. Even some of the most popular have nearly none. There are a couple like the Decibelics Golden Horse who track down every single NOS part to duplicate the original and Limestone Audio in Japan who make two that have captured that chime. These of course are from very pricey to stupid. 
Bargain pedals can not produce the chime.
BIG BUT!! This pedal gave me a WTF moment, and when I looked at the price I had another WTF moment!!! Joe calls it a very accurate take on a Klon. I say ___YES! it is.
So when I say 'not different' I am saying it sounds like 'the' Klon. I am sure if you took 5 Klons. An original this one and 3 of the best clones this one will not sound out of place or finish last guessing which is which. 
Is it 100% dead on. NO that's why you make a pact with the devil to get an original Klon. 
It is definitely one of 'those' second best. If you are going to buy second best, why pay more, LOL.
Yes that was a low blow, LOL. Without a doubt it comes in tie with all those that want double or more. 
I have gone thru three and hated them all and just figured it is probably not my thing. BUT ....


  1. Don't tempt me to buy yet another Klone!!!!

    1. After years of buying 99% on emotion instead of need I now play my repertoire and finds which tunes drive me nuts because none of the sounds from the current pedals cut it. Nearly always it turns out to be tunes that have the identical problem. For example I play several tunes in which I shift in and out of some flat picking. One second I need definition and clarity and a second later a short riff between the chords needs some breadth and sustain. A Klon is great for that but so is any pedal that has good transparency. The old Xotic BB Preamp was designed for this as well. Yes they sound totally different. The Caline Orange Burst is a very, very good duplication of that tone and at $30 it is a small gamble.

  2. Interesting that all six Amazon reviews of this pedal come from "Vine Customer Review of Free Product" whatever that means. Not exactly unbiased.

  3. Honored Paul 🙌

  4. Hi. Any info on Lilt or Leeky (not sure the brand) take of the Klon? it is called gladiator golden centaur
