Monday, February 15, 2021

OVERDRIVE- A J PEAT Screaming Flamingo ...3 Tube Screamers a box?

$160.00 USD
The first OpAmp Overdrive was the BOSS OD-1 though months later the Tube Screamer showed up and to quote the cliche all else is history. An OpAmp is in effect a tiny amp.The best are very transparent but like any audio equipment there is a distortion of the signal. In short what goes in does not come out uncoloured by the part. This is why such a fuss is made over the classic OD's and Fuzz pedals that use them. Yes I digress.
The Flamingo does not use one but three. The pedal's layout is volume, Tone, Overdrive and Distortion. The premise is simple simple blend both dirt knobs and you get a variety of dirt tones.
This is a hard clipper style pedal. These pedals sit between a straight out Fuzz and a modern Amp-In-A-Box using FET transistors to sub as tubes. The idea is cool but?
I do hear anything happening worth getting excited about
using the two sides on their own so in reality this is just a different way to blend different dirt characteristics. If you are like me I find the best sound on a pedal and if it is perhaps a high gain sound then for a low gain sound I want another pedal. I do not hear anything that this pedal has more than it's one great sound either. The first short video I feel has nailed that sound. Even so it has full rich tone with a lot of character.

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