Thursday, April 20, 2023

OVERDRIVE- NOCTURE Marquesan Stomp ...old style bluesy hardclipper with punch

$200.00 USD
The pedal uses a NOS UA308 OpAp which means we are in Rat Bud Box territory. But someone had their nose inside a Tube Screamer because we get a button to choose either symmetrical or asymmetrical distortion.
The layout is volume, tone gain and upper mids. The upper mids can add poke or you can cut them and get fat lower mids.
It has a an earthy, funky, vibe but doesn't forget some punch. 
A sort of so bad it's wonderful. It has character Plus.


  1. Sounds nice on the video. Some "throaty" and "spit" tones, if I can use this words, ha-ha. Right tool for a difficult to produce guitar sound.

  2. Many makers are techs that can try things and fix what isn't working technically. They sometimes get lucky but most times you get a mediocre sound. The Nocturne guy knows what has at minimum a very interesting sound. I have heard most of his pedals all sound very good but some are very niche market and only fit certain players. None are crap.I like this one it can fit into many styles as you can push ito near Fuzz or set to an OD.
