Monday, April 8, 2019

OVERDRIVE- KING TONE GUITAR The Duelist ...not 'JUST' another Tube Screamer or Bluesbreaker


Two of the classic pedals the Ibanez Tube Screamer 808 and Marshall's Blues Breaker are the blue prints of the King Tone pedal. In most cases I find that this has been done so many hundreds and I 'mean' hundreds of times that it literally makes me yawn.
But this pedal really is quite different. Totally, totally impressive.

I will let Jesse Davey the inventor who started the company in 1999 walk you through this one.

I can not see what guitar he is playing BUT I do not have to. It's a Strat. The pedal is fat, full and the 'glass' feature screams Strat, Strat, Strat! Damn impressive and as tube amp sounding as you can get!
One of the most transparent sounds I have ever head!!! Add to that the variety of distinctly different sound you can get is damn long!
The f__king pedal is single coil heaven!!!

So eight days after I post this review and the Pedal Guys discover the Duelist! lol


  1. The Chinese builder Demon FX make a very good copy called The Dualgun. You could review it too. Amazing blog, Thanks

  2. I have just received my Demon DualGun. Yes, it’s good, but I can already see where they saved dollars which will lead to troubles soon. See how the Duellist uses nuts on their Fat/Glass switch? The DualGun does not. It relies only on the solder to provide the mechanical strength of the repeated flicks. It WILL eventually crack the solder pads. Similarly, the DualGun relies only on the strength of the solder for the power socket. This is a common failure point in Chinese gear. The assembly insides looks OK. I'd give the student 6/10. The circuit definitely works, but could be tidier.
    I am Chris, The Guitar Amp Tech, and I repair a lot of Chinese equipment. They work great but will not hold up as well as the USA made originals. If you buy a DualGun, be prepared for an early failure, or, replace these weak points and do the job right. Obviously, nothing beats supporting the man who designed the original. I was willing to pay the difference, but the whole of Australia was out of stock of the Duellist.
