Saturday, March 1, 2025

FUZZ- SPIRAL ELECTRIC Octina Octave Fuzz ___NEW___ total killer!!!

$370.00 USD
ouch !
Octina   O C T A V E  F U Z Z 
It is a not so simple octave Fuzz. 
It just doesn't look like it. It is hand made and designed by Tom Cram. He is also head of DOD. He designed the DOD 250 Pre Amp. A candidate for the best Booster/OD on the planet. He designed all the DOD pedals. 
I do not think I have heard a fatter Fuzz. An Octave Fuzz can get really hairy and out of control which is very exciting with all its spit and sputter but it also has a lot of drop outs. This can do that too. BIG BUT!!!  If you prefer you can have another separate Fuzz signal blend along side of that playing the notes normally. It even lets you play chords with definition. Other's Octave Fuzz boxes force you to play one note at a time or you get discordant mush.    
     CONCLUSION ___ 
It cost's a fortune but it is the best of the best!!! 

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