Thursday, March 13, 2025

FUZZ- FUZZ IMP PEDALS Sender V ...a Big-gurrr Muff

$175.00 USD
Justus Gash came to my attention years ago as a guy that did excellent demos of dirt pedals on both guitars and bass for other builders. Then one day he showed up with his own pedals. He had become addicted to Fuzz and collected 20 of the very best classics. After opening them up he looked at how they were made and thought if he could solder he could do it too.
Well etc, etc, etc here we are years later with a line of impressive pedals.
The Sender is a Muff based Fuzz that can be tuned into anything from 
a great Thrash Metal high gain OD to a doom Fuzz.
The layout is Level, Tone, Gain and Boost. It has a Gate, 
(like all pedals should have) and a toggle for 2 levels of Boost and another toggle switches from diode clipping to open or to add 
high pass filter that tightens the lows. 
It is damn impressive! It is very versatile.

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