Wednesday, March 5, 2025

COMPRESSOR- MOOER Yellow Comp- 100% Pro ...$35 !!!

MOOER Audio 
$35.00 USD
with free shipping on Ali-Express
This is a very accurate clone of the still made and award winning Canadian made Diamond compressor clone. It is an optic Compressor with an ingenious patented circuit that the patent ran out and many other companies have copied. The unit has a warm full sound yet it doses not squash your attack. Most of the other comps have to blend in cleans to hide that. 
The layout is Volume, Comp amount and EQ. 
This has been made for 11 years. I have had one nearly as long 
and paid $70. Yes, twice the price back when you could buy
some Boss pedals for that. So now years latter there are many Comps, perhaps as good but not better & certainly not cheap. 
A wise man said that comps are the Overdrives of your
clean sound because like an OD a Comp adds sustain
and a bit of punch. This is the perfect first Comp and 
a keeper as a second forever. 


  1. Another interesting very good value optical comp: Donner ultimate comp

  2. The Donner is a discounted pedal made by Mooer. It is a take on the first infamous MXR Dyna-Comp. In 2015 Donner had a site that only sold mini pedals. Donner pedals are re-branded Mooer pedals. Exactly the same pedal with Donner painted on them instead of Mooer. Since then Mooer has offered the same pedals for 33 different wholesalers with whatever name and graphics they wanted on them. The Yellow comp is the only pedal Mooer would not offer as a re-brand.

    1. Which Mooer pedal is it? We can see the opto-coupler of the Donner ultimate comp in this thread :
