Thursday, September 14, 2023


$290.00 USD
The company has been around for about 12 years and version one was one of their first pedals. They have won several awards over the years. Having dealt with them in the past I have found them one of the very best to deal with. I got fast same day replies and follow ups to see if I was happy etc. 
They shut down for about a month in the summer so everyone can have a holiday. Damn impressive display of caring about people over profit.
The layout is a foot switchable Boost, Level, Treble Bass and Drive. A toggle brings in a fixed presence and a second toggle gives you a second gain stage.
It falls into my impressionist MIAB category. I have both those that go for literally cloning a specific amp right down to the model and variation over different years like a '68 over a '74 which are cool to have. But others go for the sound and vibe we get from recordings which the producer and engineer added as much theater to the sound as possible. This is certainly had some spice added to the meal.
In short it sounds killer but it is not the only choice. Another good one is the Wheebo JCM. However if you picked this pedal. I would be cheering 💣💥😎


  1. Is it the Wheebo JCM your current favorite? Are you still in love with the PedalPalFx Pal800?

  2. I reviewed the original Dawner years ago and it was not this good. This only has been out a day, lol. I have compared this with the Wheebo and the Wheebo is just a bit fatter but the Dawner has more balz. The Dawner will cut better once a drummer and bass player or rocking. I always take that into account so I think the Dawner is just a nano bit better. I will have to listen again over a few times and a few days. When pedals are this good and this new I always want them, LOL. I owned the Dawner Red Rox for a few years. it sounded killer but ijust did not have any serious sustain.

    1. I thought you said the Red Rox had a better Sustain, than all of your Drive Pedals

    2. It did when I got it but that was 5 years ago ...with a MIAB that makes it ancient doesn't it? Now I like to be able to hold a note in average tunes tempo for 8 bars even at bedroom volumes. The guy on the Troglys Guitar show uses it to demo $5000 plus Gibsons so it does sound very good. He has never used a different dirt pedal and has used it over 5 years. I sold off Catalinbread, JHS anad Wampler pedals for the same reason. Nice sounds but not enough sustain except at high amp levels where speaker feedback gives you more sustain. Live it is not a problem but practise it is and i need to know since I only play my own original tune that they sound the same at any levels.

    3. Fair enough :) what are your favourite HiGain Miab Pedals at the moment? Btw. i‘m a big fan of your blog. Thank you for putting your time and effort in testing all these pedals and write a review.

  3. AS for the Pal800 it is the real deal not an impressionist pedal. Both equal but different. The Dawner is total flash!!! All these pedals depend on when and where you use them.

  4. What is your ranking of the top five Plexi pedals?

    1. PLEXI pedals to me are like car tires one size doesn't fit on every car, One MIAB doesn't sound great on every tune or sound right with everyone of my 10 guitars. For example I have one I only use with Tele PU's the NUX Plexi Crunch
      In the late 60's and early 70's any one with a stack used a Rangemaster pedal. I expect stacking one on a MIAB could do the same trick it did. I have the AlexC Pedals Rangemaster pedal on order.

  5. Have you tested the PastFX revolution?

  6. My 800 is a favorite but I do like adding low eQ to it to get some faux speaker thimp and a compresor that has an Boost built into it.

  7. I will have to review it. It is a clone of a clone. It started life as a Pete Cornish G2 (Pete died last November) and than Buffalo FX who is Steve Painter ...made the Evolution but it closed in 2020 with a lot of guys having paid for pedals that never arrived? There is a Vick Audio version the V2 as well. That I did review.
