Monday, September 4, 2023

FUZZ- BMF EFFECTS Sisyphuzz Fuzz ...more Tweed than Fuzz

$180.00 USD
The company is from Southern California and been around since 2005. The look and product reminds me of the defunct Fulltone. It is great to have them as a true old school choice that is authentic instead of new companies unconvincing retro offerings. I believe it was named after a seldom used and mildly politically incorrect term ...''a sissy" meaning unmanly? At any rate it sounds more like a very good Tweed type OD than today's idea of a Fuzz.
The layout is simple only volume and gain. The overall tone has a lot of mids and a very much germanium vibe even though it uses silicon transistors.
In the 50's there were a lot of small companies making budget tube amps. Some bigger ones like Supro, Harmony and National most of heard of. Some however only had the company name on the back on a small label that might say Smith & Jones Manufacturing or whatever. These companies had the name of a chain store like Baldwin Organs 
or even a distributors name that catered to Mom and Pop stores with 
assorted items from violins to kazoos. This pedal reminds me of those amps. 


  1. The name is a pun. Sisyphus is a character from Greek myth, the guy who was punished in Hades by pushing a boulder uphill and having it roll back downhill every time for all eternity. Don't know how that relates to being a stomp box though.

  2. LOL, I just the sissy thing to poke fun of it being such a pretentious name. It is all meant to be tongue in cheek. I suspected something like this. All the Mythos products have these names.
