Monday, January 30, 2023

OVERDRIVE- TWA EFFECTS SH-9 Scott Henderson ___ NEW ___ Susumu Tamura's new Tube Screamer

$300.00 USD

TWA got together Susumu Tamura creator of the Tube Screamer and Scott Henderson to create a NEW Tube Screamer. 
The highs have nice searing sharpness. The most noticeable difference is in the lows. From the lower mids thru the bass the pedal is much fatter and fuller. The level also has a higher output.
Based off of the Tube Screamer TS9 with a 4558 OpAmp. You can also run it from an 18v power supply if you wish more headroom and a more open less compressed sound. Like the original it has the standard volume, tone and gain setup.
It does it's classic thing thru a Fender Combo left clean. A modern Metal guy with a stack would hate it as it will not tighten the lows but make 
them worse.
Did you note the price. WTF!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul! Not that this excuses the pretty high price, but I think this is actually based on the Ibanez/Maxon SD-9 instead of the more run of the mill Tube Screamer circuit. I was pretty interested in this, but when it was released $300 was more than I could reasonably justify for a single drive pedal--bummer.
