Thursday, January 19, 2023

OVERDRIVE- BEHRINGER OD300 Overdrive/Distortion ...not bad :-)

$30.00 USD

A Boss OD300 is apparently a Boss OS-2 clone. Like most of the Behringer pedals the similarity is obvious and the difference is negligible. As for durability the only thing that has a short life is the switch if you have a board with a switcher it may outlast half the pedals on your board. Add to that if it dies it is cheaper to buy a new one than get your boss repaired. In fact you could buy 3 Behringers for the price of most repair guys minimum hourly rate, lol.
The layout is level, tone, gain and mode to switch from OD to scooped Distortion.

The OD is nice medium gain with a Marshall JCM 800 vibe. The Distortion is a buzzy and a bit thin. But WTF you could spend more on any night out at the whatever, lol. Not their best pedal but not bad at all.


  1. According to what are the "standouts" in the Behringer line?

  2. There are 3 that can stand being put in a blindfold test against any brand at any price and either win the shootout or not sound out ranked. The Behringer SF Super Fuzz which is a clone of the defunct Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz. The Behringer EQ 700 a Boss GE 700. Last and the most impressive. The Behringer VP-1 Vintage Phaser. It is a clone of the E-H Small Stone. A guy that has used the original on his vintage Rhodes piano used it as his always on pedal said his roadie swapped out the original with the clone. He could not tell until break when he notice the pedal had no loud hiss and thought it broke down only to find it was the Behringer not his E-H. The VP-1 comes in a clone of the aluminum encloser just like the EH as well.

  3. I'll have a look at the Vintage phaser!
