Monday, May 31, 2021

OVERDRIVE- SABBADIUS Black Gold Versatile Distortion ...another RAT pedal ???

$200.00 USD
It all started with a RAT schematic just like a hundred others. The company says it isn't a Rat. Actually it isn't. A Rat is a however a 'hard clipper' type OD but so are several Boss pedals. The gain does have a wide range 
from low gain to a very high gain. At high gain it is very 
Fuzz like.
At it's heart it is a $70 RAT. You can also get the TC Electronic Magus 
for $60. All 3 have do their thing a little different. 
The Black Gold has the variable gain, the Magus does the original Rat thing including does the Turbo Rat thing. The Ratt II is the fattest. But! At over twice the price I can not hear twice the value.


  1. I love your work. All posts are full of info for all us no vices types.

    I don't have the proco... could have... in hindsight.
    instead bought 68pedals milk stout and little bear r.attack. both sound good to my ear.
    The milk stout has more range before it breaks up. The r.attack starts breaking up at 9 o'clock.
    Have not tried any of the other rat style pedals.

  2. The'bear'is impressive ...I almost got one but I got a stupid cheap price for a Ratt II. The TC Magus is really good and not overpriced. A buddy of mine who is an electrical engineer says the guy designing it really new his sh@t by adding a second input cap at the input so you can switch in a nice fat sound without over saturating or muddying up the gain. They are all basically a hardclpper OD. If you change the clipping diodes it goes into Fuzz territory. One peal that really impresses me is The new Beetronics Zezzpa Fuzz. You can set it up so it virtually does a Rat thing. Anyhow you then set it up to use the switch as a momentary. The idea is you do say a riff with a the pedal set with a total Rat vibe and when you hit your last note you press on the switch and your tone blows up and disintegrates. You just lift you foot and you are back to your Rat like sound. Total theater! Audience would love it.Check out the Post.You can get extremes out of it from a good but standard OD to venomously fat doom/death metal vibe or something between the two to fit your tune. With at least 3 usable killer sounds and a quality build at $200 it could be worth budgeting for :-)
