Friday, November 15, 2019

OVERDRIVE- SEYMOUR DUNCAN Diamond Head ...80's American Metal sound!!!

$230.00 USD

A very aggressive OD. To my my ears it more American then Brit. Shades of Mesa's Rectifier efforts.
Brit boxes tend to be rounder and warmer. Good news as there of lots of great Plexi and JCM 800's to choose from but not a lot of American sounding gear and definitely not pedals this good!

Gain, level a 3 way EQ and a switchable boost!
Typical Duncan quality and Duncan's pedals are always great value for money!!!

A great sound!!! 
Definitely a contender
There is a lot of choice out there for what many consider the zenith of the dirt sound 80's amps turned into pedals. It is time when the gain was taken as far as it can go and still maintain a harmonically rich tube tone. A tube amp still sounded like a tube amp. Modern metal is affective and is great fun but even so it has now become all but a totally synthetic sound.
I would not buy any 80's like pedal without putting it up beside a 
Lawrence Petross  LPD Eighty 7
 Hell I will save you some time ...check it out!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Speaking of American sounding pedals, Mad Professor has just added one to their lineup - a Fender BF in-a-box:

  3. Thanks for the heads up Tin Man. It came out Dec8 so I will be watching and searching. Should have something by tomorrow.
