Saturday, November 23, 2024

ENHANCER- TAURUS Servo- Pixie Dust-in-a-Box

TAURUS Servo  
$145.00 USD
This pedal is unique. I am sure that there are others that do some of what it does but a few I felt did were several hundred dollars and did not do it all. Some were digital so instead of warming the sound they added that annoying touch of stridency to the sound.
Most of you by know have or rejected a Compressor. A Comp is part of this pedal. For those that hate Compression so does this pedal, LOL. The thing 
with a comp is it homogenizes the sound so as you hit the strings loud, louder softer etc. it evens it out by turning down the loud so it is the same as the soft. That of course kills your dynamics but it does stop others instruments from drowning out the softer bits.
This pedal is at heart a Compander. It compresses the signal but it has an Expander in it to put that dynamic range back in. Yes it seems counterintuitive but it does it allowing you control over the whole parameter.
The first thing you notice when you play is it puts a feel back into your playing that a Comp can steal.
The pedal does more. You do not get signal loss through the board as it adds a buffer. A quality buffer does not change your sound in a way that feels like you have a low pass filter ...or as if your sound is covered in melted plexiglass. It also has a bit of gain, just enough to exaggerate the harmonics and overtones. Finally it has a boost on a toggle to push the front end of your amp to make the amp 
put out more overtones.
A lot of guys especially guys without pedals use it as an always on pedal. It can simply make your amp sound like you have some gourmet amp that does this for you. I have had mine for 5 years and found by adding many more pedals that since it 'boosts' your signal even with the Booster off that it is too much. But it is killer on low gain and clean sounds. 
I run mine with the booster always off and mostly at 10 O'clock. On some tunes with a low gain OD I use it as a gentle boost and and a fattener. 
I then use it between noon and 3 O'clock. 


  1. They have a version 2 out now (more knobs)

  2. They still offer the V.1 because the V.2 changes the sound because the circuit is hotter.. Phil McKnight has both and prefers the V.1. ___I push mine less than he pushes his. I don't even turn on the boost so the last thing I need is more gain.
