Wednesday, October 18, 2023

NOISE GATE- BOSS NS-1X Noise Suppressor ____ NEW ____ maybe yes, maybe no???

$200.00 USD
I am a big fan of noise gates. I have and use 4 that are never turned off.
They are not my first either. I have had the Joyo, Caline, Boss and TC Electronic 
ones that I upgraded to better ones.
I will not explain in detail how they work as I have pretty much done with every 
Gate I have reviewed although the video I posted will indeed do just that.
Basically the noise and your good sound are not separate things in the signal. 
When the signal is loud enough it drowns out the noise but once you sound 
fades to a very low volume the noise comes thru and does not fade away but the buzz just keeps buzzing. A gate simply turns off both the noise and the nice guitar signal at the same time. The best gates can stop that chopped signal from sounding literally chopped off but magically faded away. Even better if like a chopped off thing as in some Metal genres there is a switch or knob for that. The majority of Noise gates do not have that chopped off effect as a feature.
Most Noise gates boast about their transparency. Bullsh@t! They all have a 'sound' or lets say a coloring of the signal. Most are acceptable some are very pleasing. Some however thin out the sound. All tighten the sound but usually in a good way. 
The ISP Decimator II G String gate has been king of all the noise gates for years. It sounds very pleasing and even makes your sound just a tad fatter. It is $235.00 USD it is close enough to be an option over the BOSS.
Technically the best is probably the REVV G8 but it is a pain to set up. Great if you can set and leave it but some tunes need more gating than others different guitars and different pedals or stacked pedals need changes on your gate. 
The ISP with one knob is the way to go for most players.  The good news is that Demonfx Filtraion II is a clone of the ISP. At $50.00 it could be the way to go. Like all clones a video may not show the warts. Gates have no wiggle room. They work or they do not.

the fine print 
All of today's gates are Smart gates. They have a normal input and output but a separate in and out to loop your noisy pedals in. However if all you need is gate out some noisy pickups or a bit of annoying hiss that is low enough to live with but still annoying you can use a single end gate. Just one in and out. The Mooer Noise Killer is very good $88.00 USD is not bad but Mooer make the same one for Rowin, both look almost identical even down to the white paint with black graphics. The Rowin is only $22.00 USD on Ali Express.


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