Wednesday, October 6, 2021

DELAY- GEKO PEDALS Geko-Plex EP-5 ...King of faux Echo-Plex tape type delay pedals???

Yes another Echo-Plex wannabe. I owned E-Plex in the 60's in fact I had V.1 which had a tube preamp in it.
I know have the Dunlop Echo-Plex. For a classic no fuss killer echo? I have found nothing better.
I had a high end digital and it is NOT better. Why? Analog devices both pedals and tape etc. lay in behind you guitar. Digital sounds are tiny recordings of your actual guitar and compete for attention with your actual guitar. All delays create noticeable discord. Take for example you pluck a 'g' note and play a 'g#' right after it. your delayed "g' lands on top of your 'g'. In the real world this actually does not sound that bad but the mellow sound of analog devices hides this very well.

$540.00 USD

OK ..Having said that is this the best or indeed closest to the original pedals tone. It does not sound distinctly better than the Dunlop but
but I doubt I could give it less than a tie. 
It gives you 3 presets which is useful. the layout mimics the E-Plex. you even get a slider to mimic the moving the actual tape head of the E-plex.
They added modern features like 'tap tempo' and thru in a Delay.
If you do a Rock-a-Billy thing or anything 50's or 60's it might be worth the investment. For all others no. If EVH is the primer for your tone I would get the Dunlop. I actually bought my Dunlop on advice from Dave Friedman who swears they nail the EVH sound and guys he knows who  have the original tape E-Plex have switched. He is beyond right.
Then there is the price and the real estate. The Dunlop is $200.00 USD.

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