Sunday, October 6, 2019

OVERDRIVE-ANASOUND Ego Driver ...screwdriver not included ???

$145.00 USD

Well that quirky French company has done it again. They
make some odd pedals ...but there stuff is well made and
and usually sounds pretty good.
So it all seems simple enough. It has a standard output and gain control
with a tone control and a switch to choose between the standard and fat voice.
OK ...then from here you can take off the back plate. Yes we have been here before. Yes?
NO! this case with the back open you do not click a dip switch. You take a screwdriver and change actual diodes. lol
So is this a cool idea? a gimmick? or just plain old marketing BS.
My guess and at the price it is probably a basic Tube Screamer circuit.

Well the whole idea could be done with dip switches. It is definitely a marketing idea. some guys will have fun with it and some guys may find this as hook into the real DIY world.
it is not for me. I do not have the time but why be cynical about it all. lol
you really could have a lot of fun with it.