Saturday, October 26, 2019

COMB FILTER- KORORA AUDIO Spira ....IT IS NOT! a crazy psychedelic noise making machine ...

$250.00 USD
In 1964 Roger Shepard described a pedal that took 24 band pass filters and by having matching pairs move one ahead of the other and moving them forward an endless layered and overlapping glissando is created.
Sound wise is really another modulation pedal but what I love is unlike Phasers , Flangers and Chorus units etc. it does not create that heavy  pulsating rhythm of the endless sweep.

Why?? Because I compose most of the time without effects. I find adding an effect can enhance a sound but I do not wish to rewrite my tune to fit with a rhythmic sweep or have that sweep spoil the tune.

So w,t,f, is a bandpass filter???? If you slide an EQ slider on a graphic EQ you are turning up or down the level of a single band pass filter. Got it? Good. Me too. So if you had a pair of matching graphic EQ's and moved the same frequency on both units together you would be a human comb filter! LOL 
Next get 12 EQ's and a bunch of buddies to each push a pair of matching sliders
and you won't need the Spira. Good idea ...yes? Stupid Idea yes?

Bottom line it kind of creates the tail end of the kind of swish you hear when EVH is let loose with a phaser. I do have a Flanger a phaser and 2 chorus units that I use very sparingly but the most effective is my Eddie Phaser sweep lol.

The first video is excellent. The second is so you can hear some dirt. Unfortunately we are treated to a loud repetitive riff and a lesson on how to make the thing create the discord that you can avoid when the pedal is set up musically. Unfortunately these are the only vids on the Spira.

I love its varied array of  trance like harmonically pleasing sounds. Most ambient type pedals in the last few years feature discordant tones with the effect making clashing changes in pitch or gimmicky little startling sounds that make it tiresome to use more then once.
This pedal is a winner.

there is now a sketch of the guitar!

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