Tuesday, October 29, 2024

FUZZ/SYNTH - EVENTIDE Knife Drop___NEW___ another Jack White pedal, LOL

 Knife Drop  
$375.00 USD
It is in every way a convincing synth. It has an ADSR to shape your overall sound but also guide the rise and fall of the modulation. 
It has a waveform, a square wave, aka Fuzz, a pitch control aka 
Octave, the pitch control also allows for glissandos. Oh yes,and modulation. Finally an enveloped filter follower aka Auto-Wah. 
___ So ends my Synth bafflegab, lol
It makes very cool analog Synth sounds and the best are already 
in it as a pre-set. 99% of all keyboard Synth players mod presets. 
No one actually starts from scratch. If you do hours later you get a 
great sound but soon find there was a preset virtually the same, 😇 
So stick with the Pre's and wiggle the 3 knobs. 
It sounds dead cool, and larger than life. A little goes a 
long way so if you want to get serious with Synthesis, 
buy a keyboard and start from there. I did that back  
in the late 80's and hung up my guitar for about 10 years.
The best thing is I also had  many Synths attached to a
sequencer and I learnt how to orchestrate and arrange
hands on.

             NEW VIDEO ADDED 2/5/2025

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