Monday, August 15, 2022

OVERDRIVE -ONE CONTROL Rebel Red Distortion ...a modded Plexi or JCM 800 or ???

$140.00 USD
This is a pedal in a whole line of pedals designed by Bjorn Juhl. All these pedals have their roots in a pedal that he designed 20 years ago, the Dyna Red. He at first made these himself but over the years has farmed it out under licence to 3 different companies. Bearfoot Pedals still do a take on one and One Control have had several versions. The 'Deluxe' as I'll call it is the Strawberry Red which I Posted in mid January. There is a mini of that one too. 
This pedal is meant to be a modded MIAB. There are several all with a tweak to the voicing voice so they are meant to be a Classic Plexi or a JCM 800 or the Silver Jubilee etc.
The layout is  volume, gain, tone and treble which is more of a presence control.
I had their Plexi mini. It was not bad but it had no sustain and was a one trick pony. I sold it. The BJFe Series has more control and are more versatile but are $300.00 USD 
a pop. The basic sound of this pedal is excellent but there are great choices for MIAB pedals especially ones that admit to being ambiguous from the get go . These are an 'impression' of the sound. I think as such if one sounds good buy it. But why not get 
one cheap when neither can be put by a real Marshall amp and be the anything close 
to an exact copy of that Marshalls sound. 
I recommend sticking with the original, the Dyna Red but by getting the Caline clone of it. 
They make the G001 Tiger Eye Distortion. It's $50.00 USD.

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