Sunday, April 7, 2019

OVERDRIVE DR. Z ...Z Drive ...turn a one channel amp into 3 ??? Well maybe?


 Not a totally new idea but the execution is. The pedal has a very good 3 way EQ and two channels. A Germanium on the left and a Mosfet on the right.
They recommend you start by setting up your amps clean sound just how you like and then setting the EQ to match the amp.
You then add enough drive with the Left Green channel to add just the right crunch with the germanium channel seating the level up perhaps a bit over the clean sound. You then go to the red Mosfet channel and set up the hot channel for solo work. This works well with an old style amp like many Fenders very well.

The idea being that each stage is voice to work with the EQ and to set it up to make the amp sound like it has 3 channels built into the amp itself. The idea being a smooth consistency in the tone.
The alternative is perhaps have a clean Fender amp that suddenly sounds like a Marshall etc.

A novel idea that some will love. It could work in a blues gig very well.
The build is very good as Dr Z amps teamed up with Earthquaker Devices to design and make these pedals.

i couldn't care less if my clean is one sound and my dirt sounds are another. If they blend or contrast in the right way  ...yes. I even like different parts in a song to have very different sounds.
I only care if the pedal has a great dirt sound. I quite like it's aggressive biting tone. I would never want it on all my tunes but then that's why a I have and use 22 OD's.
I only do original material often to many people who never have heard my tunes. You only get one chance for a first impression so I do whatever it takes to present and put my music across.
But in either case the pedal sounds quite good.

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