Saturday, June 12, 2021

FUZZ-FUZZIMP FX Muzzsimp Green & Muzzsimp Red ...vintage or modern ...pick one???



$155. 00 USD
It is probably based on a Big Muff :-) I will go right to the layout. It has a volume and gain, The sweep knob appears to to give you a way to tighten the sound. You have toggle and knob to add a boost.
The Green is for a more classic sound and the Red is a modern overkiller!
They both sound killer and the price is a grabber!!
what's not to like?
I think I would go for the Red. love the overkill.
They are both fat, balzy and in your face!!! What's not to love! Wait a minute ...on second thought
I love the breadth of the Green one ...DAMN I can't decide :-(


  1. Have you considered posting your top 10 to 20 guitar pedals? I'd sure like to see that.

  2. Good idea Unadan
    I have done it about dirt pedals before but you are right I should do it again
    Thanx for giving me some incentive.
    Maybe I will do two. One for dirt pedals and one for modulation, reverb. delays etc.
    I am happy you are enjoying SBS.

    1. Thanks - that would be cool. Love the site = very informative.

    2. Paul it would be great if you could classify the top 10 Steals for each category. And by steals I mean affordable sub $100 category. Thanks
