Wednesday, May 8, 2024

ANALOG DELAY- ROWIN LEF-314 Delay... Boss, cloned perfect? scary close ...$17

$17.00 USD
Free shipping AliExpress
Rowin   LEF-314 
It is literally a Mooer Ana Echo with a different paint color and graphics that they have made for 11 years or more and still sell. It is a clone that nails the the classic sound of the vintage 20 to 300ms 1981 Boss DS-2. 
The Mooer sells for $108.00 USD. becomes a nobrainer. Therefore Rowin=Mooer=Boss. 
The layout is Echo, which turns it up from low to high against the dry signal, F.back is the number or repeats from one to infinity and time which how far 
apart each echo is from the following one.  
An analog delay is a must have. You can use it for an always on with a single repeat to fatten your sound or create a reverb effect. Just 3 or 4 repeats can
create a really big sound. 
Pulled back in the mix with your guitar up front gives 
you a huge sound. I do that on every tune. I make it 
wetter on a slow tune and pushed back on faster tunes. 
You can always have both an analog and a digital delay. 
Cheaping out on a digital delay gives you a nasty amateur 
sound. This pedal can give you a totally Pro sound so if 
you really want an all bells and whistles digital delay  
you can save up for that pricey great one.
$17 gets you a collectors item sound. WTF!!  


  1. Would you choose this over the Nux Reissue Series Analog Delay? Thanks!

  2. I have 5 analog delays on my board. All totally loved and used daily. If a 6th Delay were needed I would have had it on order even before I put this Post on-line today:-)
    My rig is 3 boards wired together as one board with 3 channels. Each board needs a Delay, Verb and Chorus. I find I only need one Phaser and one Flanger. The Phaser only for EVH like use on my High gain board and the Flanger for Andy Summers like clean things on my clean/plus low, gain board.

    1. Appreciate the response! I stuck the Zikzic version of it in my cart as I Iiked the graphics better. It is still the LEF-314 as are a half dozen or more 'brands'. The one by Yoozic has interesting artwork as well.

  3. Yes it is the same pedal. The problem is the only store that stocked them plus other brands all with funny names but all with the same Mooer pedals in the casings folded. I think the store was the distributor and retailer all in one. The last of the inventory was dumped our for around $15.00 USD a pedal.
