Sunday, August 29, 2021

OVERDRIVE- IBANEZ tube Screamers- Why they are such a big deal gotta have!


Maxon pedals had their pedals designed by Susumu Tamura. He was asked when the BOSS OD1 came out to design a pedal like it to compete. To avoid Boss patents on asymmetrical distortion he made the distortion symmetrical. Technically not tube amp sounding but it warms up a pedal that would otherwise be a clean boost. Ibanez did NOT make pedals or even guitars. They design guitars by then but even they were farmed out to be made. So they decided to skip designing and just have Maxon rebrand theirs. It was easy to have thousands of music stores worldwide who stacked Ibanez to stock a few pedals too. Maxon were to small to sell to anyone not in Japan. In short it was a happy marriage. 
I personally even got a product specialist gig with Ibanez because of these pedals, lol.
The reason the pedal did so well is it simply took any cranked amp it was put in front of and pushed the gain and dirt up to the next stage. A Fender with almost no dirt had some and a totally cranked Marshall had even more. The basic fixed EQ of the pedal kills the lows adds just a little bite in the highs and puts a very big punch in the upper mids around 1kH. The mid boost gives it cut and punch. It tightens the lows simply not boosting them. So if you play Blues thru a Fender or even have a super high gain stack it still does it's magic.
99% of all pedal companies that make OD's make a clone. 98% give it a different name to fool you into thinking a few small mods they did make it a TOTALLY different pedal. Clones are fine but just be aware it is one.
If it's not broke why fix it? Well the Ibanez original ts was the 808 
followed with ts 9 very shortly after. Neither is better. 
The 808 is warmer, the ts9 cuts a bit better and is bit tighter. 
Very clean amps favor the 808. Amps that are already very dirty
favor the ts9.
Over the years Ibanez has offered both the new but not
improved plus many 'gimmick' variations. Most tanked but
a few hang in. Modern re-issues are king. But the very well
designed mini does deserverably well.

Choosing any of the Ibanez is a safe bet. 
TS 808 -$180.00 USD
TS9     -$100.00 USD
TS mini -$80.00 USD
or MAXON OD808 reissue -$200.00 USD
or CALINE  CP75 Emerald Night -$29.00 USD

If budget dictates your best choice is the well built and reliable 'Caline Emerald Night'. It is the clear winner. Sit it beside a real Ibanez model and it is just too close to believe. You can switch between an ts808, a ts9 or even a ts with the famous Keeley mod.

I have bought then sold off  many of the 'hot rod' super gourmet
ts of the gods ... I did keep two that are very specialized.
I recently ordered the Caline as I truly find that I need the 
basic plain ol' and the others do not, do it well.
It arrived and delivered!!! Money well spent!!!

Did you know the Dumble amp, the tube amp of the gods has a little surprise in it. 
It has a Tube Screamer clone built right into it, lol.


  1. Do you see the Caline closer to the original that the Demon TS clone?

  2. Yes it is closer. This is Calines 4th ts pedal in 10 years. The last one was the same except without the Keeley boost. I had a Demon 5 years ago there is nothing wrong with it. I used it for about 3 years. I am recommending the Caline because if the Ibanez was $29 we would all grab one as it is a bullet proof choice. If one hates the the Caline they will hate the ibanez.If they love the Caline they will not get an Ibanez but may cherry pick one of the many gourmet ts pedals. I just ordered the Caline as a booster to stack on Marshall-in-a-Box Pedals for more sustain and bit of tightening. I have ts boxes already with filters in them to do this but on some tunes they are too tight. The regular ts is more open sounding.

  3. Thanks dor the detailed reply.Will order one and give it a go.Great blog btw!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
