Wednesday, September 4, 2024

GUITAR- is the FENDER Player II MIM up to par with the FENDER Pro USD ???

In the 80's I was a Product Specialist for Ibanez. It was gig where we went to shows like NAMM to demonstrate gear for the Store Owners. All the product Specialist from all the guitar brands hung out together. We talked openly about the products to each other. 
The unwritten rule was that we were in an exclusive club that we did not share what we 
new with our bosses. We would leak cool things our brand was doing. We also talked 
about company BS that was at the expense of the players. I no longer have the gig 
but I kept in contact with all the young guys who were coming up. 
The point is we shared the gossip etc. Fenders grand plan is to make MIM the only serious Fender for 99% of all the players. Eventually the ONLY guitars made in the 
U.S. will be the Custom Shop. There will not be a Fender Pro entry level made. Yes perhaps a Custom Shop entry. It however it would be 2 to 3 times the price of a MIM. 


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