Monday, September 19, 2022

FUZZ- RITUAL DEVICES Grimalkin ...first impression ...11 out of 10 ? ...maybe 12

$215.00 USD
This is from a small Brit company with a short but familiar history that make a series of pedals. Their new Fuzz has come up with a recipe based off of the familiar to most OpAmp style Fuzz but the not so well known ancient Jordon Boss Tone.
In 1925 Jordon invented a device for reading radiation from the then new gadget the X-Ray machine so doctors could follow safety procedures for it's use. They soon had the market covered and even very much alone for decades. It expanded it's use even further after the Nuclear bomb came along. Looking for new markets a creative employee came up with the idea a transistor amps then soon after a new gadget ...the Fuzz came along. The Boss Tone was simple two transistor and at $30 the only budget Fuzz out there. Better still it has its own gnarly deep buzz sound.
So the 'Grim' has a layout of volume, tone and gain and 2 separate knobs act as a grain boosts.
It is a very nice balance if the two sounds. The Jordon can border on a 'garage band' thing and an Octave Fuzz can take over and you lose control. With one Fuzz pushing the sound an octave up and the other doing the contrary you get a massive control. It has a beautifully nasty sound yet manages to stay tight without loosing girth or control. It quite simply checks all the boxes for a Fuzz that has the control of great OD is still massive and in your face. 11 out of 10 :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul, I love your website! I can browse for hours, lots of choices and fascinating reading. “Old King Grimalkin” is a character in Dr. Seuss’s book “Bartholemew Cubbins and the Oobleck”. This needs to be acknowledged. Cheers from Toronto Canada
