A reader asked me to do a post of my top 10 pedals. It is definitely not the first time, maybe the 100th time, lol. So my procrastination is over.
It has been in flux years but the pedals listed here show every indication to be 'keepers'. I have reviewed over 3300 and there are more to come so changes are possible.
I have 68 pedals on my board.
Of these 52 are keepers I really think are at the very least as good as anything out there for the exact thing they must do for me at this very second.
I quite literally play and only play my 35 original tunes. I have my pedals divided into 3 loops. Each loop is literally a self contained board. Each has its own compressor, delay and reverb. One is my clean sound low gain loop, the second is my medium gain the third is my high gain loop.
The basic concept for my board is for it to substitute an old school recording where one brings in different pedals and uses different studio processors etc to create a finished product. I want to record a tune that needs nothing but to be mixed with drums and a bass and it is finished.
Since my pedals are the tools to create and present my original music they are doing a very specific function. Each is critical to tunes that are played daily. Many guys have more pedals on a shelf than on their board as it is a hobby and pedals to play Country on Tuesday are not used to play Metal on Saturday.
I have a built in prejudice of why something is good. Yes it must do a stellar job for it's task but your task is different. There isn't a best of, nor any order to this list. All these pedals have a Post somewhere within the over 3000 Posts I have done.
I will always be updating if I find better pedals but I am posting an Honorable Mention section at the end as they are killer and you should know they exist. That list includes pedals that are candidates for near future purchases. So they may be moved into 'favorites'. Others are borderline pedals. I use the Rat II often but always to tighten a Fuzz.
Is there better? Maybe, maybe not.
They are a French company that did some software plug-ins and a few pedals. Their site was in French. At the time when I bought it 7 years ago there was an online source in France and a small one in Brit that sold them. I do not know if they are still in business. Even at the time I got it I expected the company to vaporize over night, lol.
It was the first company to introduce the 'sag' from a dimed tube amp into a pedal. Explaining 'sag' involves explaining several factors but I will keep it simple. Many old classic amps have under rated transformers that can not produce the signal so the power literally drops out if you nail a chord or note hard and a second later it recovers. You get a drop in volume but then the volume returns. It is like the amp gasped then screamed. I exaggerate ...but the 'feeling' you get playing an old amp with 'sag' is totally euphoric.
The pedal sounds like a few busted up old amps I played over the years that got repaired but probably with whatever part was on hand so I could get back on the road ASAP, lol. It ain't no thoroughbred it's a lovable mutt. One look at it's sardine can looking enclosure and it is love at first sight :-)
(V.1 Gold Label)
Yes the cheap and cheerful plastic pedal sold in a bubble pack for $35.00
I heard there are were only about 2 or 300 made before they got a 'cease and desist' letter from the lawyers of good old Fran Blanche of Frantone Electronics. It was a part for part rip off of her Peachtone Fuzz. Even the orange paint job is a rip, lol. An original Peachtone now sells for $1200.00 USD and this 'gold label' Dano sells for $200.00 USD to the 'serious' collector. It has a fat grainy but smooth and rich tone. Incredibly distinct. The Dano is not just a clone but a virtual part for part forgery. The replacement has a black label with V.2 in the middle. The V.2 is a piece of crap and an entirely different Fuzz. I got my 'gold label' mint for $50.00 USD. This is the going rate for any old Dano pedal from this era. Any of the first gen Cool Cat pedals are now 'novelty' collector's pedals.
It is still not well known that the gold label is special so you may still find one dirt cheap.
Eight years ago Luis took his JCM 800 amp and cloned it in a pedal replacing every tube with a transistor and then tuning everyone when it was done just like doing the BIAS on an amp. In short the actual amp and every pedal that got shipped sounds like his amp. About 2 years ago the newest the v.3 came out with 'the' classic 80's mod, the one in Slashes amp. The waiting list was about 8 months. Version 4 is now out. It is the v.3 but in a more compact enclosure. This one is now my crunch channel and the v.4 is my lead. Check near the end of the Keepers for the
PedalPalFX PAL 800 Gold v.4
This is a clone of the famous, now $650.00 used Ibanez AD80 analog delay. It isn't just your average clone but it actually uses the reissued Panasonic 3102 and 3205 BBD chips. They even painted it the same color, LOL.
It flat out sounds killer, identical to the AD80. Clear, warm and very full.
Better sounding than some brands that want nearly 4 times the price!!!
So! At $60.00 USD it is a no-brainer purchase!!!
I would go so far as to say this is the best value
for money of all the pedals I have reviewed!
BROWNE AMPLIFICATION CARBON DRIVE This is a take on a Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal. It is filled with the best of everything for parts and a charge pump to give you infinity in the headroom department.
The result is not a BB but a dead clean Booster with sustain even at unity gain. Think of it as getting the sound of the Dumble clean channel pushed so it just barely shy of Crunch.
I pulled it for months at a time for what I thought was better. I got what I thought was at least as good so I stayed with the new pedal until I compared and this pedal won as they say, by a nose.
The closest sound to it is a REAL Klon when you set the Klon at about 9 O'clock on the gain.
I have 25 Overdrives but this one I use the most.
This is made by a Brazilian company that their main product are tube amps based on the MESA Dual Rectifiers. They also make pedals.
In short this pedal is a convincing take on a Dual/Rec. I have never heard a pedal ever with the punch and balz and attitude this has. On it's own or stacked with a Fuzz or another OD it gives you one hell of a lot of 'Oh Wow' and 'WTF' sounds.
Add to that the build quality could could be the yard stick to measure 'all' pedals on how to get it right.
AMT ELECTRONICS P-Drive mini This is a surprisingly good impression of the famous Peavey 5150. Or not???
Knowing the builder/designer it is not a surprise if he did nailed it, lol
If nothing it has one of the best sustains of any of my MIAB pedals.
That alone makes it indispensable.
The designers did not even try to achieve an all bells and whistle pedal.
They found out that you can't take the warts and basic mess the original really is without ripping the soul out of it.
Only the speed works in a linear kind of way. The level acts like a gain and changes the tone as you crank it so using it at unity gain is a compromise. The depth jumps once you get past 8 o'clock. The vibrato pumps and throbs like an outboard motor boat. All this is just like the original, lol.
But once you set the level and depth to the sweet spot, dial up to the right speed you get a killer sound. It is the 'secret sauce' for a Fuzz.
For only $150.00 USD I have no complaints :-)
I bought the usual too expensive super cool reverbs. They all drove me nuts. Instead of having my guitar framed with a great ambiance they all overwhelmed the guitar. The tail was wagging the dog! It is long story but I had a word with a guy that 'really' 'knows' pedals. Dave Friedman ...yes that Dave Friedman. He said in the 80's everyone used the very pricey Lexicon rack for their verb. He also said the POLARA uses the same seven algorithms that were in that rack.
Problem solved!!!
Yes the famous tape echo in a box. How good does it sound? Mr. EVH who used the real one switched to the Dunlop when he was semi retired but needed it for the occasional gig. If nothing else the guy is far to picky to use second best. It really is a killer box. Just set and forget, even leave it as an always on. Possibly not surprising Pete Thorn has one on his board right beside his Eventide H90 $900 wonder pedal.
UNITED ARTIST FX ORION Tape Echo The UA Plug-in for the Maestro EchoPlex is on more records than the original machine. UA simply put it in this pedal. It lives up to its hype.
It is unbelievably warm, rich and detailed which really comes through on low gain drives and cleans.
It nails the infamous Pre as well. You can if you wish leave the pre as an always on.
As noted I have the MXR too. You can set them to sound damn near dead on the same but the MXR does not have all the minute detail in the overtones. That said used with all Crunch pedals it is a perfect match. Even EVH left his real tape at home and only used the MXR pedal live and on a few recordings for other artists.
I got the UA on a factory sale for $99.00 USD. It was a no-brainer to buy
at less than half price. Having had awhile now I can attest it lives up to its hype.
All 3 pedals are exquisite MIAB takes on the actual year of a Marshall Amp/Stack.
All are beyond superb, and unique enough to have everyone. All follow the dynamics of your touch. The harmonic detail in the sound is second to none you have ever heard.
The 68 has that classic crunch of the first EL34 Plexi, the 74 is just that same sound but with aggression and the 3rd is the essential JCM 800.
If you never had a MIAB I would recommend the 87 as it has that larger than life Slash thing you imagine all Marshalls to have.
Compressors have more bullsh@t written about them than the best 'transparent' OD. I have and use 4 comps in the same way I use several OD's.
First no compressor is transparent. Each has its own tone that will change your sound.
On a guitar an old style MXR/Ross style comp if done right can blow away a beyond stupidly priced 'Studio' comp,
I repeat ...all comps have a 'sound' just like an OD has a sound or Phaser etc. has a sound. So ask yourself why is this Keeley the biggest selling comp on the planet.
It has 'the' sound.
The Rat II got a bad rap because the original Rat used an OpAmp that is just a bit smoother and warmer and the 'Cork Sniffer' reviewers tell us it is better. LOL. Especially stupid is that they only made 200 of them so 99% of all recordings that really got us to want one use the current Rat II. The thing is since day one guys bought the Rat for its over the top aggression. Well the Rat II has more aggression. These days with lots of ODs from transparent to silky smooth etc. one gets a Rat for its raw sonic attitude. Clones go for the original sound than dumb it down so it is just one up from a Klon. WTF is the point?? ProCo make many spin offs including a mini they claim is the same. PLEASE, NO!!! Just buy this one. It is a lifetime keeper!!
It is a very good take on a SUNN Model T amp dialed into it's classic sound that was the heart of the original Doom sound. The only secret addition was a ProCo Rat II. Not a necessity as I use it with and without.
There at last count a dozen other choices. Many have the Rat sound built in as a boost. I listen to them all but none stood out as must haves over the other and this with a Rat easily could stand up to the best. At $145.00 USD it is a third the price of many and with a Rat better than many. The Rat II is $80.00 USD and then you have 2 great pedals.
It is quite simply a 12 string guitar in a Box.
A twelve string doubles the high E, B and G string with the same or lighter strings but for the D, A, and G it uses octave higher thin strings. It is why you get all that jangle to the sound. This unit puts the the D, G, and low E voices up an octave. It also modulates all the faux string voices since when you strike a real 12 string guitar all the strings will modulate a bit. So this fakes that really well. In application it does a damn good job. I have had mine since 2016. I did not have as a keeper as with chips improving I thought something with greater detail in the harmonic
content or even modeled strings. But ... zip, so it has become a keeper.
I have had this since 2019. I have s/n 02. 😇
I did not just want a 12 string effect pedal but
I wanted the Byrds's sound. In 1966 for 2 years we had the VOX 806 Treble booster. A little box you plugged into your amps input jack that gave you piercing treble. Both Roger McGuinn and Tom Petty used them to give you that classic Byrds 12 string sound. This pedal uses NOS parts to give you that dead exact sound. I never use my
DigiTech Mosaic 12 string FX without this on. I instigated the project and helped with the research to get an authentic schematic with a list of original manufacturers of every part. It took a year. Then more time to trace the parts.
This is Pre amp/boost pedal. It was taken from a single channel broadcast board used by the hundreds of small independent radio stations across the globe. In those analog days signals hitting the consumer were dark and even muddy and need a clean very bright boost before transmission. To be fair Hudson Electronics thought of the idea with their Broadcast, pedal. This is a clone that does not disappoint at a 3rd of the price. As a clean boost you can simply keep your signal intact but louder. You can add edge to the point of ice pick. Or you can crank the pedal for the worlds most nasty sounding Fuzz on the planet. I use it for high end sparkle on my very dark, dense & heavy Metal Distortions & Fuzz pedals.
DEMON FX Z-drive
Not surprising this a take on the first pedal we all felt nailed a Dumble. The Hermida Zen-Drive. It was made as tribute to a Robben Ford record where he did indeed use his Dumble amp. Oddly enough when Robben got one as gift he found it really could cover for his Dumble. Most of his gigs required a 'Fly Rig' of a guitar and a few pedals. He was provided with a rented Fender or worse. He just went to the UK and did a tour. He is still using the ZenDrive. The Z-Drive is a part for exact part duplicate of the Zen Drive. I just re-discovered it from a Robben Ford interview
& felt it perfect for my Strat & Tele sounds.
The large predecessor of this comp was the first and only alternative to a MXR DynaComp. It is an optical compressor. It has never been out of production for decades!
It sounds like it has germanium diodes in its preamp. In short it does nice comp but it adds this really warm sound. It is not so dissimilar to some boost pedals where the tone added is more important then any extra level slamming the pre in your amp.
It is like a great spice where you don't want it all the time but it is total magic on some tunes.
This little hundred dollar miracle does a stellar take on a Phase 45, a Phase 90 and even a vintage 'script' Phase 90. I bought the 'script' when it was new. Is it better? No! I do know in a band context the sound difference is not perceivable if not at least negligible. I also had the Strymon Mobius. I did not like it. Analog sounds better. In short the 95 sounds like an MXR Phaser and when I hear it in a tune I am playing I get the sound I want.
Pete Thorn has one on his board. Right beside his Eventide H90 $900 wonder pedal.
I laughed when this came out as the year before it you could buy it painted yellow for $30.00 USD. it was the only pedal that NUX made and kept making since the day they went in business. I sold mine when I bought the digital Strymon Mobius and I bought it a second time when I sold the Strymon, LOL It is a killer chorus. If you pull back on the blend especially on a dirt sound it gives you a faux doubler effect and fattens the crap out of a sound yet is hard to tell it's even on. In other words it is a total workhorse.
Even at $60.00 USD its a steal.
Mind you I will stick to my old friend 😇
It is quite simply a dead on mini version clone inside and out of the Classic BOSS CE-2 that you have heard on a thousand plus recordings. Zero bells and whistles like a modern pedal. Just that one sound, and to most of us that one perfect sound. I do like my NUX for a fattener and faux doubler but when on a clean sound I want an Andy Summers Jazz Chorus vibe this nails it with a 6 inch spike!!! It also teams with high gain for that really thick sound that took off in the 80's and has started to become cool again with newer players.
When I first went looking for a Flanger I went to many often well known companies only to find they made a Chorus and a Phaser but not a Flanger. WTF !!! Eventually I found out they are hard to make and even harder to get sounding good. After buying and selling several I found out most were crap.
My favorite sound from a Flanger is the one that Any Summers uses. He has an original E-H Electric Mistress.
Many makers tried to make a clone but most are bad. A couple are close. I feel that if only by a hair the Retro-Sonic nails it. Got it ! Love it!
A serious MIAB. Arguably a take on the Ramble FX Marvel Drive. Tim Kruger who is Mr. Marvel FX has long since passed away so it is great we can still get that sound.
I have many MIAB pedals but this one loves a Tele and a Tele loves it, lol.
At $60.00 USD a no-brainer buy.
A simple one knob Fuzz with this one huge sound with the bass, mids and highs all equal making a wall of sound yet it has an incredible organic warm tone full of character.
It is also very tight yet open at the same time.
It is made by Matt Olson that I swear he would come to your home and help you hook it up as a courtesy if he could.
EARTHQUAKER DEVICES SPECIAL CRANKERIt is an OD that when pushed beyond stupid it sounds like a Fuzz tearing your speakers to pieces. You have a choice of silicon or germanium voices. I use it with gain off and the germanium voice as a booster that adds warmth and chime at the same time. @ $100, no complaints.
Years ago I was listening to a home made video of a guy doing a demo on his old Supro amp. He simply had a blurry camera shot of the amp without any talking. So I got up to make a sandwich. The damn thing went on forever so I went to turn it off. To my surprise the video was over and second video was playing the Supro pedal.
WTF ...they sounded identical. I went back to the first video and double, then triple checked.
I use it where other guys have bought a Tweed pedal to cover the same territory. Their Tweed is not better nor is it dead on clone of an actual old school amp. The Supro is.
An EQ can take a near perfect pedal and make it perfect. It can turn a Fuzz or OD into a massive monster or tighten up a woofy pedal. A quality standard graphic EQ is still very usable. I also use use a IRIN Instrument Band EQ to reshape my clean channel to make my clean Marshall passive as a clean Fender sound. The main problem is if and when you need to change it to go with different pedals you can not be moving 5 or more faders between even one tune let alone several. The 'Source' unit is digital and with 4 memory locations.
EQ fader's sound sweeps into its neighbor with any Graphic EQ and where two faders meet you can get 'smearing' where the same frequencies interfere with each other. It is not intolerable or makes an all analog pedal unusable but with digital its simply does not happen. NICE!!!
This is the best Fuzz Face on the planet for all but the posh and culturally elite. Yes the cork sniffers. It has the sound you imagined as opposed to what you often get no matter what you pay.
A Fuzz for players not displayers. It goes on your board not your bookshelf beside your wifes Royal Doulton figurine.
It's $200.00 USD but reasonable for a solid gold pedal. Pun intended, 😎
Mike Soldano did 13 prototypes until he nailed the sound of his own
$4000 amp. Put them side by side and prepared to scream out ...
...WTF !!!
The question is is not how he got a pedal to sound like the amp but how did he get the amp to fit into a standard size pedal ????
I use this one in many tunes.
MOVALL GALATIC GROOVE FUZZY DRIVEA generic everyman's Tone Bender. On its own through a clean amp ??? BIG BUT! Stack it on a MIAB and I instantly get that Tone Bender V.1 pushing a stack that sound I never thought possible.😲WTF !!! and only $35.00 USD
I use it on my Tele with the NUX Plexi Crunch thing. Some guy named Page
I believe mentioned that I give it a shot, LOL
In 1985 Ibanez brought this out as the SM9. Too little too late. A pedal that did a great job of emulating a Plexi with a Jose mod. The big deal at the time was Synth Pop ...and guitars were all but history until 1987 when Van Halen changed everything. Unfortunately for Ibanez ...Super Metal to the modern player means something with beyond crazy gain an entirely different thing. Except for a few that know this is the perfect Jose/Plexi with cutting high end and tight low end it goes unnoticed.
A nice plus is that it is MIJ and $110.00 USD.
A simple 8 band graphic EQ. It is about the size of a Boss pedal. It is built like a tank with 16dB of boost. 100% clean it is indeed audiophile. I have it kept on just one setting to turn my Marshall amp into a faux Fender when I need to get the right clean sound with Strat or Tele PU's. It gives me exceptional and best of all usable sounds that I can not get with a straight Marshall clean.
It cost me $25.00 USD and that included free shipping!!!
PedalPalFX PAL 800 Gold v.4
Yes over the years bells and whistles were added for more gain etc. This was because although the pedal sounds like an 800 just out of its shipping carton it does not sound like a modded one that the superheroes owned. The V.4 fixed past attempts permanently. It includes the 3 best modded voices you could put in the amp from from the 80's. Yes you get #34 the one Slash chose for his and still uses. Just toggle it on. It is also in a compact B sized pedal. The best part is it sells for $200.00 USD which is cheaper than anything out there that has had glowing reviews in the MIAB category. It is cheap enough to own the sound that Slash hears at rehearsal and still have one of the better theatrical MIAB that other companies make. I have both. I love both.
As for the V.4? I will keep my original but having the Slash sound is enough to have both.
If I had to pick my second or third favorite OD I just couldn't do it.
If I had to pick my go too #1 ...this is it. WTF die for good.
The pedal looks like a real deal Electro Harmonix Big Muff. It sounds like one too. Rough but ready, warts and all. The company have been making it unchanged for over 15 years.
It pretty much sounds like the Big Muff NYC designed by Fran Blanche. In short it is a Jack White-in-a Box, lol.
Very simply an Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man clone. The E-H concept was meant to be an analog delay with modulation to fake tape wow and flutter and invent the poor mans EchoPlex. Like many great pedals trying to improve on a specific sound changes it so much that it leads to a whole different sound that is its own thing and not a clone of anything. For years and years Andy Timmons used two of these E-H pedals and they became the basis for his much praised Keeley Halo. Ironically I thought the Hallo was the sound I was looking for. The fact I am getting a very, very similar sound from the Movall blows my mind. The Hallo is $300.00 USD. I paid $32.00 USD for the damn Movall, LOL, and am 100% happy with my sound.
TONE CITY TINY SPRING v.2 This is a very impressive take on a Fender Accutronics Spring reverb.
It sounds very, very similar to the Mad Professor Silver Spring that Robben Ford
uses both to tour and indeed on recordings. In fact he was touring Europe using
it this year (2024). At $55.00 USD if I did not own one and you told me it
sounded high end I would think you're crazy.
The Univox Super Fuzz was the first octave Fuzz and it was cloned and beefed up by Boss with their FZ-1. Both collectors items. The SF300 is not just a clone. Just think of it as a Boss that someone built into the the wrong enclosure. At $29.00 USD it is best value for money on the planet. The guts are super reliable. Behringer got the bad rap because the foot switch can not take a guy with a heavy foot stomping the crap out of it. If Boss still made it I love it enough to treat myself to the Boss. The bottom line it is simply a flat out total killer Fuzz. Already I find it a keeper!!!
This pedal was meant as the replacement of the OD-1. The OD-1 was the first pedal that had a convincing amp-in-a-box vibe. It was a huge seller. Maxon decided they needed to make something similar. The result was biggest seller of all time the Tube Screamer. Boss decided to fight back with the SD-1. It is literally a ts clone. You read that right!!! All they changed were the clipping diodes. Boss use asymmetrical tube like distortion and the Tube Screamer uses symmetrical distortion which they chose, because Boss had a patent on asymmetrical distortion.
The thing is that the Boss can do the boost like thing that the ts does but also stand on it's own as an amp-in-box pedal.
My guess it is their take on a 70's silicon VOX Tonebender. Some say it is a Muff, others a Fuzz Face. It doesn't matter, lol. Nothing new, but that is the whole point of it. It is a simple straight ahead Fuzz. It totally holds its own but is equally at home stacked on an Overdrive. Absolutely my #1 choice to recommend for a guy buying his first Fuzz. The closer is it is only $40.00 USD.
The guy that designed and built the first one of these now builds limited editions of pedals at $600.00 USD and they sell out too. He has a rep of being a totally anal perfectionist. This is V.5. which is the current model. It is his take on a Marshall JTM45/100. Yes the Hendrix stack. The most notable thing is that when set to a good Crunch you can easily hear that glassy sound of a Strat with that bell-like chime coming through that put Jimi's sound into history. Trust me no other pedal does this. Sure perhaps the glassy sound. BUT the bell-tone chime ...NO!
This is best known as Calines take on a Timmy. Tech detectives say it is a Veruram Jan Rey. Both are dead similar to the 2010 Timmy. It is made on a conventional hole-thru board instead of a Perf. In short sonicialy nothing is changed. _______You do not have to like the Timmy to 'NEED ONE'. We all have times when we are forced to lower the level of our amps. It typically kills your tone. With the Timmy on you simply turn your 50 Watt Marshall down to bedroom levels then tweak up what knobs are needed. It is 'the' must have always on pedal that sits on top of your amp. Smiles that come with it are free. The pedal cost $30 or less. I paid $23 with free shipping.
This pedal has been out for 9 years plus. This is v.2. The guy that makes it is totally anal about getting a pedal perfect. He gets by making special editions of some pedals that sell for $600, WTF. He lives in China. Tough being a small builder making handmade gourmet pedals in the West. In China it is near impossible. This pedal is beyond high gain. It has a real tube vibe and has got more balz, bite and punch than of any OD I have heard. My big deal with it is you can set it to give you the percussive attack of a piano. This lets you get a massive sound and still be able to get articulation when you play triplets even at very fast tempos.
It is quite simply a take on the 1963 Vox AC30 amp. I have tried many and owned a few. Some were pleasant enough overdrives but they were as close to a Vox as a motorcycle is to a pickup truck. This is damn convincing! and at $60.00 USD it is worth having if for nothing more than a welcome contrasting sound to your other overdrives. I use it for my George Harrison sounds, LOL. JOYO JF-12 VOODOO OCTAVE FUZZ
This is a serious take on the original 1968 Shin-ei FY-6 Fuzz sold stateside as the Univox Super Fuzz. It is not the in your face Fuzz some think. That honor goes to the Foxx Tone Machine which although it does it has a weak low end and lacks balz. In fact owners of the Univox would often seldom use the octave thing but use the Fuzz for a Doom vibe before the word Doom had been a label. The Joyo has been making this unchanged for 12 years. That says to me they got something right. It popped up in a sale for $37.00 USD shipping incl.
TAURUS SERVO Compander/Boost
A Compander is both a compressor and a expander in one box. In short it squashes the sound with the Comp with all the good stuff but it fixes the loss of dynamics by putting it back in with its special circuit, perhaps even with little extra. I know of no other pedal that uses it. it is very well developed tech as it is in every cell phone. Cellphones cannot work without it as the incoming signal is heavily compressed. The Servo also has just a bit of dirt in the output to add some overtones and harmonics. The boost is there to push your amp pre into distortion. I find the boost too much and never use it. I use the pedal on low gain and clean sounds. It warms up, fattens and adds a bit more sustain. I have had it on my board for 5 years. At $145.00 USD it is affordable.
A real Marshall tube Pre plucked right out of a head. Then tricked out with the modeler gadgets. You get IR for speaker simulation, a faux amp circuit and even simulated Marshall 4x12 cab resonance, usually referred to as 'Thump'. We will see if it does replace my Marshall over time.
Very simply an award winning amp with balanced line in & a 120 true RMS watts into a near industry standard for most guitar cabs of an 8ohm load. High end audiophile spec. It revivals $1500.00 USD amps. It is Half the size of the Friedman IR-X. Price? $150.00 USD the price is NOT a typo!!!
It is a take on the infamous 200 watt Marshall meant for Bass players so they could compete with the guitarist's Stacks. Then guys like Ritchie Blackmore discovered all that headroom made his Strat cut like a meat cleaver with total definition. The pedal is a $99.00 USD Ltd. Ed for Sweetwater. It was a now or never buy. I stack it on my CKK Anka Distortion. It is a take on the JTM 45/100 a rare amp used by Hendrix for just a few months before it was replaced by the famous first PLEXI. The CKK does not have the killer chime that the Keeley has but the CKK has the just right bass and lower mids missing with the Keeley. I get a Sultans of Swing meet Foxey Lady sound. 😇
An exceptionally accurate clone of the Boss Waza Craft version of the Blues Driver for $37.00 USD. The Blues Driver was the only OD that Boss made that was not an OpAmp OD. It had FETs which you find these days only in the pricey OD as they sound like real tubes. It is has never been out of production since day one. No other Boss pedal comes close. Some have been discontinued and then brought back so people think they have always been around. Many demos show them sounding cranked or even dimed and sounding Fuzz like. It was not until I recently heard one backed off that I had an 'Oh WOW' moment. It really did sound like tubes!!! _______________________________________________________
It is Mooers take on a Digitech Drop. It can go both up or down in pitch but it is primarily used for drop tuning especially in many Metal genres. That said a few players use one on their acoustic for an electronic capo. I am not sure how I will use it. My Bass player will not want to rewrite their parts on tunes that I think sound a bit cooler and only have to press a button to screw theirs, lol. I have one but have not integrated it into any tunes. All features work well and are totally Pro and usable. The detune function is meant for faux double tracking. But that is only do that effectively in stereo. Oddly in mono this one adds punch, bite and definition. It is easily worth the $37.00 USD the pedal cost me. I have it on trial using a dropped D tuning.
It is quite simply a take on the rack mount tube Comp the Fairchild 660. Like Origins Cali 76 that does a take on the UREI/UNIVERSAL AUDIO 1176. It too nails a sound of an era. It does a perfect Mark Knopfler Sultans of Swing Strat sound. That alone says "Buy Me''!!! It is the first Comp I felt checked all the boxes.
A take on V.3 of Hornby Skewes Zonk Machine that was a modified Tone Bender v.1. You can set it to do a convincing take on any early Tone Bender or Brit spin off. It is buffered to stop any interference by other pedals in the chain or other foreign signals like your AC/DC power adapter etc. It is the Brit answer to the Big Muff. Have both and you have all but the totally crazy sh@t covered in Fuzz-land.
WAMPLER PHENOM DISTORTIONThis is a take on a Peavey 5150. It sounds excellent through it's full range from medium to high gain.
At $100.00 USD it makes many $250.00 USD pedals look like robbery! It is a
no-brainer purchase if you have nothing in it's category.
Terry in Australia does a very superb take on a Pete Cornish GC-1 OD. A pedal that can still be had for a chilling $600.00 USD. It sounds killer from very low gain up to a high gain Crunch. It has a chimey clean but never harsh glassy ring through its whole range. With 3 way active controls you can literally dial it in to anything including the perfect boost left dead clean or with any amount of gain. Hand made with zero shortcuts. The insides are a work of art!!! At $150.00 USD it leaves nothing to complain about.
This pedal is met with a yawn by critics. It is still selling well after 27 years just by word of mouth. Often a guy has one, his buddy tries it and ... 😊 __It was not based off of Boss's older OD's. It was not a improvement but designed from scratch to nail the hard clipper hardrock with a dash of blues sound. At a time just before Marshalls on 10 got help with mods and started being called Metal. From there gain started going up by the month not the year. ___The OD-3 nails that perfect crunch sound of that short era!!! __When Outlaw Country influenced mainstream Country it was prefered by many over the Nobels ODR-1. STRYMON CLOUDBURST AMBIENT REVERB
The only ambience reverb not made to piss off those that do not
want to have a pedal that demands they write tunes to fit it because it is useless to have turned on and play any tunes that they know how to play or indeed need to play in their band. Yes it has a dreamy Shoegaze Star Wars patch that you can ignore or entertain yourself with. _____The big deal is you can click a switch to the Ensemble Effect and get the sound of a 70's Solina String Ensemble keyboard Synth that will follow your chords and riffs like you had a keyboard player playing along with you & doubling your parts. ____REVERB did their 2023 biggest selling pedals Post. This was #1. Pedals like a Timmy that are half the price and fit even guys that only have a couple of pedals are usually #1. So it had to blow a lot of minds to even pony up with the money. It was likely the most pricy pedal on a lot of buyers board at $280.00 USD yet they bought it anyways. LM383-432 LMXR 330-372
WTF is this doing here ??? Well we all need to hear a pedal on YouTube with some idea that what we hear is what we get. I bought many in all price ranges. I use them hours a day so I need both sound but robustness. None lasted more than 3 months, some 3 days. One day they died on a holiday and the only thing open was the Dollarama. A local dollar store. I grabbed the cheapest just to get thru the holiday. 4 years later I still have them. $3.25 USD. Better than anything except high end studio jobbies. Comfortable good highs that sound natural as is the low end. They can bounce off anything and not break.
It is a day later, I convinced myself enough to go and buy another.
It is crazy not to have a backup,😇.
MY BOARD TODAY 12/19/2024
NOTE: To see more detail put your mouse cursor over the picture and click to enlarge it. 😎
the fine print
Building up a board that works for your rig and your music is much like building a house.
You may need a certain kitchen or bathroom etc. but
you still need a basement. I have many pedals that I bought but they are
mostly part of the basement. Other pedals are the best I could find to do
the job but there are others as good but not better so they are not on
this list as they could be bumped one day if I find better. 🙉
Power supply for amp, FOSI AUDIO V3 MONO amp, FRIEDMAN IR-X tube preamp, N-AUDIO Passive Audio Controller (a master volume for the FOSI amp.)
As I mentioned above I only play my 34 original tunes. I tend to write in the middle of the night by just grabbing a guitar and playing what is in my head. The thing is I never plug into anything. in most cases I just grab the closest solid body.
Which just happens to be an old Silvertone 1449.
I have no idea until the following day which pedals will work with the tune or even if I find that I must chose a different guitar to get the tune to happen. Often over time I re-write by adding and editing. sometimes I find the tune changed so much I must both chose a different guitar and/or pedals.
PROFILING-build/component construction
Boss enclosure -YU3 (since CH-2)
Hammond enclosure H 1590 B
IK iLoud micro monitor pro
56 LP G-top stopbar
Fortin Hamas
Thru hole, FMT straight to board.
high order PU
1982 Peavey Bandit 65 class A/B
Vola OZ Gotoh 510T
Ship Ali via Courier Apple Express if miss ...drug store