Back in 1812 the brass at Fort Niagara walked across the U.S. Canadian border to have dinner with the Canadian forces at Fort George. Having dinner at each other forts happened all the time. During the dinner the Canadian General announced that the U.S. had just declared war on Canada. He then said "There is no sense in spoiling a perfectly good dinner over this." ...and they didn't! LOL
It has never been different! It never will be!
What's the difference between an American player and a Canadian player???
The color of their Strats. LOL
See I told you what makes me Canadian ...my Strat is a different color then yours. |
A few of you may not have figured it out but I am a Canadian by birth. My grandmother lived with
the family and she was a Brit. I moved to Briton for a looooooooong time and because of her I was
legally considered a Brit.
I now live beside the General Motors Plant in Oshawa Ontario. How American is that! I am 2 hours away from the border and 45 minutes away from Toronto (the 4th largest city in North America ...soon to be third)
Fortunately Toronto is a mecca for all kinds of music.
Nothing is perfect but generally speaking thousands of people of every race in the world are in Toronto and we all get along pretty good.
There are only two kinds of people in the whole world Assholes and Everyone-Else. Fortunately there are not too many Assholes but since the media finds we are always curious to read about them we start thinking we are the only person that isn't one.
My wife is black and over 20 years younger then me ;-)
...an amazing bass player and has a Jazz background in both singing and tenor sax.
She loves everything from Johnny Cash to Metallica. lol
HEY! ...she does ...You can't make this Sh@t up!
She of course has an American Jazz bass an American P. bass
and an American Music Man Stingray bass. All 3 were designed by Leo.
We are well into writing music for a guitar/bass/drums trio.
Think of the music sounding like Carlos Santana playing AC/DC
with Nina Simone singing.
It is loud and aggressive mostly written in the Dorian mode
using harmony borrowed from Claude Debussy.
just like Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie did in the early 50's.

Did you know that when Kramer emerged in the 70's the guitars were made by Godin in Canada using Canadian wood & U.S. PU's & hardware. They were then shipped as a finished kit to the U.S. where they were assembled then set up and sold as Made in the USA.
(quite legal in case you wondered)
A very sensible arrangement all around. :-)
You guys have virtually taken over Stomp Box Steals. It is read world wide
but you guys outnumber everyone else 10 to 1.
Anyhow we are all musicians so where you live is irrelevant.
But since you invented Rock you can take a well deserved bow.
but get that smirk off your face. It's just not polite!!!!